Dezember 31, 2007
Nicolas Sarkozy sings for Carla ( in German)
Dearest lovely Anthropsfy blogheads,
yesterday evening Nicolas visita me and The Uribistan Harmony Urchestra he mada song for Carla. Our Ambassador reported about the two. To play this song you hava to turn down the volume ofa video and play the song. Some kinda ofa uribi playback. Sarkozy practiced witha Angela in Heiligenstadt his german and the Uribi Studios were chosen to publish this song.
Play thisa song loud on your new years eve party.
Dropa outa and stay tuned.
Yours frändly Murat
Dezember 30, 2007
In die Wildnis - Into the wild
Felix Koguzki alias F
elix Balde: " Ich bin ein Mann, dem ohne Kunst ins Herz muss strömen, was sich ihm offenbaren mag. Ich kenne nicht ein Wissen ohne Worte.- Wenn ich in Herzenstiefen Einkehr halte und auch, wenn ich Natur belausche, so lebt in mir das Wissen, das Orte nicht erst suchen muss - - -: Die Sprache ist ihm so verbunden wie seine Leibesform dem Erdenmenschen.-"
aus: R. Steiner, Mysteriendramen, Dornach 1981
Koguzki war Uribier von der Sohle bis zum Scheitel. Wir in der Redaktion fragen uns, ob der Geist Koguzkis noch in den Uribi Highlands auf einer feinstofflichen Ebene tätig ist. Ist dieser Geist vielleicht das geheime Oberhaupt der Uribi Shamans Company. Mat Gundo schweigt sich dazu lang und breit aus.
Die Worte von Felix Balde sprechen in uns eine ganz besondere Archetypische Meta Ebene an. Zurück zur Natur, keine Klugscheisser zwischen der Realität und unserem ureigensten Wesenskern, die wild fuchtelnd uns die Welt erklären wollen, wie wir zu denken, zu fühlen oder was wir zu wollen haben müssen/dürfen/sollen. Ein orgiastisches Einheitsgefühl mit der Natur zu haben, das ist was die wahre Sehnsucht der Laptopmelancholiker, der I-phone Benutzern und den kastrierten Grossstädtern ist. Wenn der Wolf aus Russland oder der Bär aus Slowenien nach Djermanistan in unsere durchstruktierten Stadtpärke gelangt, dann ist es so als ob sich Titania und Oberon sich in unserem städtischen Vorgarten zwischen den Tulpen und dem japanischen Schilf niedergelassen haben um uns langsam zu verzaubern.
Chris McCandless war einer von vielen jungen Menschen unserer sogenannten Wohlstandsgesellschaft, die versucht haben Natur zu spüren ohne Sicherheitsnetze und ohne weltanschaulichen Dolmetscher. Er verabschiedete sich mit den Worten in seinem Tagebuch:" I have had a happy life and thank the LORD. Goodbye and may GOD bless all!" Er starb in Alaska und beschäftigte die amerikanische Presse in den 90er Jahren. Jon Krakauer schrieb über diese Suche nach dem mit himmlischem Nektar gefüllten Busen der Natur ein Buch. Jetzt gibt es den Film " INTO THE WILD" von Sean Penn. Ein Film den alle Anthropsfysts, die zum Felix Balde Zweig gehören nicht missen sollten.
Ich wünsche Ihnen alle liebe treuen Leserinnen und Lesern eine gute Reise in die Wildnis Ihrer Seele, Ihres Schicksals.....da sehen Sie ich kann das Wort WILDNIS nur als Metapher für etwas "Ungeplantes" benutzen.....ja seien Sie alle stark und gut gerüstet für die Zweige, die ins Gesicht peitschen oder für die Schlingpflanzen Ihres persönlichen Lebens-Dschungels.
Always I shall be one who loves the wilderness:
Swaggers and softly creeps between the mountain peaks
I shall listen long to the sea`s brave music;
I shall sing my song above the shriek of desert winds.
aus: Wilderness Song von Everett Ruess
Ihr Sie herzlich grüssender Herrmann Finkelsteen

aus: R. Steiner, Mysteriendramen, Dornach 1981
Koguzki war Uribier von der Sohle bis zum Scheitel. Wir in der Redaktion fragen uns, ob der Geist Koguzkis noch in den Uribi Highlands auf einer feinstofflichen Ebene tätig ist. Ist dieser Geist vielleicht das geheime Oberhaupt der Uribi Shamans Company. Mat Gundo schweigt sich dazu lang und breit aus.
Die Worte von Felix Balde sprechen in uns eine ganz besondere Archetypische Meta Ebene an. Zurück zur Natur, keine Klugscheisser zwischen der Realität und unserem ureigensten Wesenskern, die wild fuchtelnd uns die Welt erklären wollen, wie wir zu denken, zu fühlen oder was wir zu wollen haben müssen/dürfen/sollen. Ein orgiastisches Einheitsgefühl mit der Natur zu haben, das ist was die wahre Sehnsucht der Laptopmelancholiker, der I-phone Benutzern und den kastrierten Grossstädtern ist. Wenn der Wolf aus Russland oder der Bär aus Slowenien nach Djermanistan in unsere durchstruktierten Stadtpärke gelangt, dann ist es so als ob sich Titania und Oberon sich in unserem städtischen Vorgarten zwischen den Tulpen und dem japanischen Schilf niedergelassen haben um uns langsam zu verzaubern.
Chris McCandless war einer von vielen jungen Menschen unserer sogenannten Wohlstandsgesellschaft, die versucht haben Natur zu spüren ohne Sicherheitsnetze und ohne weltanschaulichen Dolmetscher. Er verabschiedete sich mit den Worten in seinem Tagebuch:" I have had a happy life and thank the LORD. Goodbye and may GOD bless all!" Er starb in Alaska und beschäftigte die amerikanische Presse in den 90er Jahren. Jon Krakauer schrieb über diese Suche nach dem mit himmlischem Nektar gefüllten Busen der Natur ein Buch. Jetzt gibt es den Film " INTO THE WILD" von Sean Penn. Ein Film den alle Anthropsfysts, die zum Felix Balde Zweig gehören nicht missen sollten.
Ich wünsche Ihnen alle liebe treuen Leserinnen und Lesern eine gute Reise in die Wildnis Ihrer Seele, Ihres Schicksals.....da sehen Sie ich kann das Wort WILDNIS nur als Metapher für etwas "Ungeplantes" benutzen.....ja seien Sie alle stark und gut gerüstet für die Zweige, die ins Gesicht peitschen oder für die Schlingpflanzen Ihres persönlichen Lebens-Dschungels.
Always I shall be one who loves the wilderness:
Swaggers and softly creeps between the mountain peaks
I shall listen long to the sea`s brave music;
I shall sing my song above the shriek of desert winds.
aus: Wilderness Song von Everett Ruess
Ihr Sie herzlich grüssender Herrmann Finkelsteen

Dezember 29, 2007
We are shocked about the Death of Benazir Bhutto
The last pictures minutes before her assasination.
Our colleague John Moore from The New York Times comments his last pictures.
Uribistan Daily reports
Our colleague John Moore from The New York Times comments his last pictures.
Uribistan Daily reports
Dezember 28, 2007
Kasakhi Stress Test Numba 5
Magash dearest Antropsfy Blogheads,
you all stuffed lika potatoe sacks and you all gotta little sausage fingers so you canta handle keyboard of computa anymore becausa ofa good christmas food. Kasakhi Stress Testa nr. 5 has to do with eating and will pick up the eating christmas spirit in you and he will enlighten you. We try to finda your personal profile by analysing your reaction to this pic and tell ya if you coulda earn more money next year.
Your reaction is:
a.) You are getting hungry.
b.) Whata pity another animal dead.
c.) Our family hada betta christmas dinner.
d.) Stupid Uribi kasakhi Stress test.
e.) Oh I coulda make a nice mobile out of that dead corpse for my fresh born child or grandchild.
f.) Uhrghhhhh!!!!!
g.) Reminds me of the story of Jesus and the dead dog.
h.) Did Mr. Steinere say about dead bony rodents?
If none of your reaction is listed please write in comments how your reaction was to that pic.
You canna also writa in Djerman.
Hamasheyk Institute of biological Cybernetics willa tell you whether you belong to the next sucessful manager generation who is not going to die in poverty or some secrets about your soul you never dare to dream about.
Yours frändly Murat
Attention in comment 8 are the test results of Prof. Dr. Aleyev of Hamasheyk Institute of biological Cybernetics
Dezember 23, 2007
Santa Clause is black!
Your Westereners are real funny peoples witha your story about christmas. I wenta witha Hicklussar up into the Uribi highlands to geta some flying lessons for this little sensitive being and he tolda me the differenta stories abouta x-mas. In europe the Christchild is comin, in America Santa Clause is comin in Russia x-mas is two weeks later and in Israel they are still waiting for the massiah so to join the x-mas party, buta that willa take another 2000 thousand years. The Buddhists they are so relaxed they donta care, and our muslims they also celebrate the birth ofa big prophet and the heathens celebrate the shortest day. We in Uribistan celebrate the snow goose train. When all the snowgeese from Siberia comin to warmer regions we celebrate "the mystical train of summer" always in December around x-mas. The Highland shamans are to guide them through the rough and dangerous uribi mountains, this year Mat Gundo is the chosen x-mas goose guider and he will take Hicklussar, the Blogbeing of our beloved Ambassador, to this seasanol flight. We wish them to stay in the air and a not to dropa to earth. Magash!
Dearest lovely Antropsfy blogheads, Our Ambassador, Don Michele, Mr. Beatagent and mr. Sidemirror, Canailloisten, Madame Aoea, Dr. Nerone, Mr. Lampenhausen( Congratulations to the comin aftergrowth), our spaced outa Akasha chronicle girl Mr. Neugebauer, our inspiring light warrior Green-little-river his bouncer THE HAPPY BEATER and last not least our loyal Försterliesl and THE OBERFöRSTER from Lake Constance who never comments,
I embrace you and giva you all big licking kisses all over your faces and whisper in your by now wet ears MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH and let the ever diverse anthropsfy bloghead scene be a part of that.
And now a big toast to real Santa clause! Magash!!!!!!!!
Yours frändly Murat Tchundyk
Dearest lovely Antropsfy blogheads, Our Ambassador, Don Michele, Mr. Beatagent and mr. Sidemirror, Canailloisten, Madame Aoea, Dr. Nerone, Mr. Lampenhausen( Congratulations to the comin aftergrowth), our spaced outa Akasha chronicle girl Mr. Neugebauer, our inspiring light warrior Green-little-river his bouncer THE HAPPY BEATER and last not least our loyal Försterliesl and THE OBERFöRSTER from Lake Constance who never comments,
I embrace you and giva you all big licking kisses all over your faces and whisper in your by now wet ears MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH and let the ever diverse anthropsfy bloghead scene be a part of that.
And now a big toast to real Santa clause! Magash!!!!!!!!
Yours frändly Murat Tchundyk
Dezember 18, 2007
Men are lika marzipan
Dearest fränds and Antropsfy Blogheads,
no this is nota new secretary for Goy, buta secretary for me, Mat and sometimes for Herrmann the good Djerman. Her name isa Mrs. Schick. She comes from The Luis Trenker country( The Uribi Highlands shamans hava contacted the spirit ofa Luis Trenker a real hero) and she isa very busy learnin Uribi English. As you see below we needa to be prepared for Uribistan TV.
Yours frändly Murat
Uribistan TV is coming!
- mat gundo reportz - It will not taka long time, then we hava our own tv-programz in Uribistan (oh, modern materialistix worldz!). Firzt experimental programz are on air. Therefore, that all peoplez in Uribistan can understand, we maka not only programm in High Classival Uribi but also in lotz of otha languagez, with lotz of subtitlez for Chinese, Japanese, Koreanz, Jewz, Arabz, English speaking, Djermz, Frenchz and so on. Ofcourse we must solve problem that through all written linez you still can see image, we are working on it. But I think result now is very nice. Firzt shotz are about our beloved Switzerland, with peoplez playing on what they are calling 'Häckebrett'. It is good x-mass timez topic! I asked our friendz from Terra Canaillo also to bring pilot show from our Uribi TV, they choose nice Belgian veganistix cooking programm, for your x-mass eatingz! Overstreamingz for you all!
Dezember 16, 2007
How good is Waldorf education?
Decide fora yourself!
Waldorf is good for me, and woulda also alittle bit good for you!!!!!
Yours frändly Murat
Dezember 15, 2007
New Infovideo from Our Ambassador
-Mat Gundo reportz - Ofcourse it is lida bit early, but we wish Our Ambassador Mista Goy a very fine Christmas anda Happy New Yearz. He shall maka fine relexionz anda shit upon all kindz of naughty clothez he sees wearing young women in the streetz. Betta he makez easy dayz (without Hicklussar, which arrived today in Uribistan!), but with his fine secretary girl Susanna, anda: without to much hard driving. We are proud to present you new videoclip from Our Ambassador with Susanna girl (we rememba very good timez with her). Anda remember: petting in cars can be dangerouz, not only in hotelz in Turkye! Overstreamingz to everybody, anda great Pre-Christmas-Blessingz!
Ofcourse we give you full-size picture of new goy's world christmas advertizement:
Dezember 12, 2007
Owen Barfield - einer der Inklings

Owen Barfield starb vor 10 Jahren am 14. Dezember 1997 im Alter von 99 Jahren. Ein Anthroposoph, Philosoph ( bekannt vor allem an Universitäten in den U.S.A.) und einer der Inklings, ein Literatenzirkel aus Oxford, die sich stritten, philosophierten und heftig betranken. Dazu gehörten Tolkien der den "Herr der Ringe" schrieb und C.S. Lewis, der auf dem europäischen Festland erst richtig durch den Film "Chronicles of Narnia " bekannt wurde. Dann kam es zum " Grossen Krieg" der Inklings, der dadurch ausgelöst wurde, dass Owen Barfield und sein Freund Cecil Harwood, der auch lose zum Zirkel gehörte und später Mitbegründer der ersten Waldorfschule in England war, Anthroposophen wurden. C.S. Lewis war schockiert, dass ausgerechnet sein Freund Owen Barfield sich von 1922 an zur Anthropsophie bekannte, da er ihn für am gefeitesten gegen den Aberglauben gehalten hatte. " Ich glaubte, sie waren jener gierigen, salzigen Lüsternheit nach dem Okkulten verfallen. Heute sehe ich, dass von Anfang an alles dagegen sprach. (...) Und die Anthroposophie zieht auch, soweit ich sehen kann, Leute von dieser Art nicht an. Sie hat eine Schwierigkeit und eine (für mich) beruhigende germanische Langweiligkeit an sich, die bald jene abschrecken würde, die auf der Suche nach aufregenden Erlebnissen sind." Aus " Überrascht von Freude", C.S. Lewis,Giessen 1995, S. 250
Barfield hat in seinen Büchern ( vor allem in seinem ersten Buch Poetic Diction,1928, das er C.S. Lewis widmete mit den Worten: Opposition is true friendship) immer wieder auf ein poetisches Denken des Menschen hingewiesen, der ihn zum Mitgestalter dieser Welt macht nach dem Motto von Novalis: "Frey seyn ist die Tendenz des Ich - das Vermögen frey zu seyn ist die productive Imagination - Harmonie ist die Bedingung ihrer Thätigkeit - des Schwebens, zwischen Entgegensetzten."
Barfield zu lesen ist harmonisches Schweben in einer Welt "...wo Gedanken für die meisten heutigen Menschen so etwas wie eine Art Zigaretten in einer Zigarettenschachtel sind, die Gehirn heisst. " aus " Sprecher und seine Bedeutung, O. Barfield. Ich möchte im Auftrag der Uribistan Daily Redaktion ein "Big thank you" in die geistige Welt zu diesem grossen, leider vergessenen Denker, der sicherlich auch zu den Suchtrupps poetischen Denkens gehört, schicken.
Herrmann Finkelsteen
Barfield hat in seinen Büchern ( vor allem in seinem ersten Buch Poetic Diction,1928, das er C.S. Lewis widmete mit den Worten: Opposition is true friendship) immer wieder auf ein poetisches Denken des Menschen hingewiesen, der ihn zum Mitgestalter dieser Welt macht nach dem Motto von Novalis: "Frey seyn ist die Tendenz des Ich - das Vermögen frey zu seyn ist die productive Imagination - Harmonie ist die Bedingung ihrer Thätigkeit - des Schwebens, zwischen Entgegensetzten."
Barfield zu lesen ist harmonisches Schweben in einer Welt "...wo Gedanken für die meisten heutigen Menschen so etwas wie eine Art Zigaretten in einer Zigarettenschachtel sind, die Gehirn heisst. " aus " Sprecher und seine Bedeutung, O. Barfield. Ich möchte im Auftrag der Uribistan Daily Redaktion ein "Big thank you" in die geistige Welt zu diesem grossen, leider vergessenen Denker, der sicherlich auch zu den Suchtrupps poetischen Denkens gehört, schicken.
Herrmann Finkelsteen

Dezember 07, 2007
U.S. citizens need your help!!!!!!!!!
It is atime of the year where a lot of charities ask for money. Especially Africa. It isa so nice to see the africans laugh with their big teeth when they get presents from us. We the white men thinka we are born to help to give bread, to give culture, to give sense and structure. Some Antroposophists thinka we also giva Ego power to other Hotentots, becausa they hava not enveloped their " I am" powers. No they donta need our Hokus Pokus.
No I ama not asking you for money for orphans in India, Africa or Uribistan, no this time I ask you for money for a "Third world country" in the middle of the U.S.A. The Biggest Indian Reservation of the world The Navaho Indian Reservation. Their governement leaves them alone. They even taka their water to hava golf courts in the desert in Phoenix, Scottsdale and Tucson AZ.
Watch this You Tube! Let us help the citizens of the U.S.A. You thinka I maka fun. No this is freakin serious!!!!No I ama not asking you for money for orphans in India, Africa or Uribistan, no this time I ask you for money for a "Third world country" in the middle of the U.S.A. The Biggest Indian Reservation of the world The Navaho Indian Reservation. Their governement leaves them alone. They even taka their water to hava golf courts in the desert in Phoenix, Scottsdale and Tucson AZ.
Yours frändly Murat
Dezember 06, 2007
The story ofa Nicolaus according to Uribistan

So the story goes that Nicolaus must giva all sweets to children and Rubreyev musta all unruly kids squeeze their thumbs on one day the 6th ofa Decemba. The remaining days of the year they hava to bake sweets in the Uribi Highlands in a cave for all childrens ofa world.
Many chilren wrota to me that they are afraid of the black companion of St. Nicolaus. Some are even traumatized so much thata they hava to go to Don Michele to school to cope with life again.
Donta be afraid of Rubreyev thge thumb squeezer, justa behava an be good kiddies do what your are told to do. Be frändly. Smile, that is was adults lika. Sweet and manageable kiddies.
Maybe some ofa our readers hava advice for you what to do when Rubreyev scares the shit outa of you. Be positive.
Yours frändly Murat and thänx for all your letters and please learn how to write properly.
Dezember 04, 2007
Our new hip hop fränds from Vancouver
This hip hop band is highly recommended by me Mr. Tchundyk. Some kind of new "Beastie boys"?
It is found on the new indie music portal JAMETAPHINES.
It isa great to geta your music and your videos embeded on YOUR BLOG.
Also recommended The professors by East side magic.
Yours Frändly Murat
Dezember 02, 2007
Next advertizement

- Mat Gundo reportz - Our Ambassador Mista Goy wished to hava today otha advertizement (read here). We mada nice thingie (see on the right). But for you dear readerz, we give picture also here, so you can click it out to hava it real big. Hava gut overstreamingz on Firzt of Adventz!
Dezember 01, 2007
Wake me up, when the wolves come out to play...
This futuristic video shows differenta winter to Uribi winters .
Click for real uribi-winter-feeling.
Notice for our Ambassador. This head car will be your next embassy car.
Yours frändly Murat
Click for real uribi-winter-feeling.
Notice for our Ambassador. This head car will be your next embassy car.
Yours frändly Murat
November 25, 2007
November 24, 2007
Another colour of WAR
Dearest lovely Antropsfy Blogheads ( specially Goy, Green little river and Happy beater Israel fans)
I ama back from Pamela Partying and I wanna rememba my two israeli girlfränds back in my younga days. They showed me very proud their military pics. I was at this time sucha prick being even afraid ofa big djerman sheperd doggy.I wonta giva you the names of two female soldiers, but Cheesus they were good girls. My grandma a anti semite my grandpa jewish chassidims from otha side and their grandparents survivors ofa concentrationcamp I thinka it wasa the big one nota the one they hada theatre and good uribi music. I tella you fränds there wasa no easy ding dong weewewewe acction between me and the two. I partly failed and partly succeeded buta that isa long long was a horrible bermuda triangle thingy between us... anyway You canna imagine thata I ama still traumatized by the holocaust. Damn thing!!! I wasa losta between right and wrong between light and dark between Cheesus and Jehova, between Bible and Thora between grandma and grandpa. Later I ended up in Uribistan with Allah. So religion hasa always to do with sexual longing, buta I always lived a ina DIASPORA( Annette justa google it up my lida christian girl :) )
I tella you I never founda the ring ofa the three religions of Ephraim Lessing. I ama still longing for fulfillment.
Uribistan isa station ofa my DIASPORA ( for how long?)with ANtropsfy thingies it gave me the taste of Ephraims Ring . Buta not always.
Anyway I losta red thread whata I wanted to say. By the way this partying with Pamela was justa greät, buta after a while very boring so I willa turn to religion again... justa for a while... and then to pure more partying and no more prayin`.
So long fränds and goodbye i lova you all as you are we are greät community ofa madmen and madwomäns.
Yours Murat And hello to T. in Netanya and T. somewhere in the Negev desert. Sometimes i caught myself thinking when I see slideshow your daughtas are amongst them. The one at the barbed wire the one on the beach. I wonder whata woulda hava happen ifa my mum was jewish-ukrainian anda not my Dad. Tsssstsss... swimming in the Dead Sea witha my daughtas in the army, reading all your blogs and newspaper of Antropsfysts and being an agricultural apple plucker in the Negev.... Karma ? A trick of destiny? A joke? maybe or nota?
I ama back from Pamela Partying and I wanna rememba my two israeli girlfränds back in my younga days. They showed me very proud their military pics. I was at this time sucha prick being even afraid ofa big djerman sheperd doggy.I wonta giva you the names of two female soldiers, but Cheesus they were good girls. My grandma a anti semite my grandpa jewish chassidims from otha side and their grandparents survivors ofa concentrationcamp I thinka it wasa the big one nota the one they hada theatre and good uribi music. I tella you fränds there wasa no easy ding dong weewewewe acction between me and the two. I partly failed and partly succeeded buta that isa long long was a horrible bermuda triangle thingy between us... anyway You canna imagine thata I ama still traumatized by the holocaust. Damn thing!!! I wasa losta between right and wrong between light and dark between Cheesus and Jehova, between Bible and Thora between grandma and grandpa. Later I ended up in Uribistan with Allah. So religion hasa always to do with sexual longing, buta I always lived a ina DIASPORA( Annette justa google it up my lida christian girl :) )
I tella you I never founda the ring ofa the three religions of Ephraim Lessing. I ama still longing for fulfillment.
Uribistan isa station ofa my DIASPORA ( for how long?)with ANtropsfy thingies it gave me the taste of Ephraims Ring . Buta not always.
Anyway I losta red thread whata I wanted to say. By the way this partying with Pamela was justa greät, buta after a while very boring so I willa turn to religion again... justa for a while... and then to pure more partying and no more prayin`.
So long fränds and goodbye i lova you all as you are we are greät community ofa madmen and madwomäns.
Yours Murat And hello to T. in Netanya and T. somewhere in the Negev desert. Sometimes i caught myself thinking when I see slideshow your daughtas are amongst them. The one at the barbed wire the one on the beach. I wonder whata woulda hava happen ifa my mum was jewish-ukrainian anda not my Dad. Tsssstsss... swimming in the Dead Sea witha my daughtas in the army, reading all your blogs and newspaper of Antropsfysts and being an agricultural apple plucker in the Negev.... Karma ? A trick of destiny? A joke? maybe or nota?
November 20, 2007
"Ich liebe dich, Krieg.
Ich liebe dich dafür, dass meine Jugend, mein Leben, mein Tod, mein Schmerz und meine Angst in dir sind. Dafür, dass du mich gelehrt hast, dass das dreckigste Leben immer noch tausendmal besser ist als der Tod. Dafür, dass bei dir Igor, Paschka, Mucha, Osipow noch lebten...Du bist meine erste Frau, meine erste Liebe. Viele Jahre sind vergangen, aber niemanden konnte ich so lieben wie dich. Mit achtzehn Jahren wurde ich als naiver Welpe in dich hineingeworfen, und ich bin in dir getötet worden. Und bin wiederauferstanden als hundertjähriger Greis, krank, mit leerem Blick und ausgebrannter Seele.
Du bist für immer in mir.
Du und ich, wir sind ein Ganzes. Nicht du und ich, sondern wir. Ich sehe dich mit deinen Augen, messe die Menschen an deinen Massstäben. Für mich ist immer Krieg.
Das erste Mal hast du mich noch lebend ausgespuckt, hast mich gehen lassen, aber ich konnte nicht allein, ich bin zurückgekehrt.
Ich werde den Ort aufsuchen, an dem ich die Läuse nährte, und den Hügel, wo meine Brüder, ein Geschenk von dir, gefallen sind, ich werde auf die Knie fallen, werde den von unserem Blut getränkten warmen, fruchtbaren Boden streicheln und sagen... was werde ich sagen?
Nichts einfach nur: Sei verflucht, Scheisskrieg! " Arkadi Babtschenko, aus:" Die Farbe des Krieges"
Liebe Antropsfy Blogheads,
Murat macht Party mit Pamela und Mat Gundo will Euch Perrücken verkaufen. Als Mensch mit deutschem Hintergrund möchte ich doch auf die essentielleren Dinge und Fragen des Lebens aufmerksam machen. Der Text ist ein Nachruf auf den letzten Sonntag, den Totensonntag wo alller Kriegsopfer gedacht wird. Ich möchte an meinen Freund Ivo aus Kroatien erinnern. Von Slivovitz durchtränkten Lichtkriegern wurde er befehligt damals bei der Schlacht um Dubrovnik, und strandete auf dem Sofa bei mir im Wohnzimmer. Nach vier Wochen Stille begann er zu sprechen, ungefähr waren es die Worte von oben. Nur einmal sprach er vom Krieg, dann nie wieder. Klar er war ein Fahnenflüchtiger, für mich ist Ivo ein Lichtkrieger, der den Erzengeln des nationalen Bewusstsein ala Green-little-River nicht gehorchte und mit michaelischer Kraft seinen ausgehungerten Augen wieder Licht zufügte, um mit positiven Blick dem Leben entgegen zu blicken.
Ich wünsche allen Männern, Frauen und Kinder, die vom Krieg verschluckt wurden und Wallhalla entronnen sind, dass sie den Mut des Erzengel Michaels aufbringen können, um dem Leben wieder neu zu vertrauen.
Wie nennen wir Krieg heute bewaffneten Konflikt, Kampf gegen den Terror, Kampf für mehr Demokratie, fallen Ihnen noch mehr solche Ausdrücke ein...a ja natürlich jetzt die anthroposophischen Salonnationalisten nennen es einen Lichtkrieg und Michaelskampf, wo das persönliche in etwas Höheres transzendiert wird. Wenn das Bein weg ist die Frau vergewaltigt wurde das Kind geschändet wurde in so einem Lichtkrieg redet keine Sau mehr vom Michaelskampf, das ist dann individuelles Karma. Bei solchen geistigen Ausflügen beginnen bei uns in Uribistan die Kamele an zu kotzen.
Herrmann Finkelsteen
Du bist für immer in mir.
Du und ich, wir sind ein Ganzes. Nicht du und ich, sondern wir. Ich sehe dich mit deinen Augen, messe die Menschen an deinen Massstäben. Für mich ist immer Krieg.
Das erste Mal hast du mich noch lebend ausgespuckt, hast mich gehen lassen, aber ich konnte nicht allein, ich bin zurückgekehrt.
Ich werde den Ort aufsuchen, an dem ich die Läuse nährte, und den Hügel, wo meine Brüder, ein Geschenk von dir, gefallen sind, ich werde auf die Knie fallen, werde den von unserem Blut getränkten warmen, fruchtbaren Boden streicheln und sagen... was werde ich sagen?
Nichts einfach nur: Sei verflucht, Scheisskrieg! " Arkadi Babtschenko, aus:" Die Farbe des Krieges"
Liebe Antropsfy Blogheads,
Murat macht Party mit Pamela und Mat Gundo will Euch Perrücken verkaufen. Als Mensch mit deutschem Hintergrund möchte ich doch auf die essentielleren Dinge und Fragen des Lebens aufmerksam machen. Der Text ist ein Nachruf auf den letzten Sonntag, den Totensonntag wo alller Kriegsopfer gedacht wird. Ich möchte an meinen Freund Ivo aus Kroatien erinnern. Von Slivovitz durchtränkten Lichtkriegern wurde er befehligt damals bei der Schlacht um Dubrovnik, und strandete auf dem Sofa bei mir im Wohnzimmer. Nach vier Wochen Stille begann er zu sprechen, ungefähr waren es die Worte von oben. Nur einmal sprach er vom Krieg, dann nie wieder. Klar er war ein Fahnenflüchtiger, für mich ist Ivo ein Lichtkrieger, der den Erzengeln des nationalen Bewusstsein ala Green-little-River nicht gehorchte und mit michaelischer Kraft seinen ausgehungerten Augen wieder Licht zufügte, um mit positiven Blick dem Leben entgegen zu blicken.
Ich wünsche allen Männern, Frauen und Kinder, die vom Krieg verschluckt wurden und Wallhalla entronnen sind, dass sie den Mut des Erzengel Michaels aufbringen können, um dem Leben wieder neu zu vertrauen.
Wie nennen wir Krieg heute bewaffneten Konflikt, Kampf gegen den Terror, Kampf für mehr Demokratie, fallen Ihnen noch mehr solche Ausdrücke ein...a ja natürlich jetzt die anthroposophischen Salonnationalisten nennen es einen Lichtkrieg und Michaelskampf, wo das persönliche in etwas Höheres transzendiert wird. Wenn das Bein weg ist die Frau vergewaltigt wurde das Kind geschändet wurde in so einem Lichtkrieg redet keine Sau mehr vom Michaelskampf, das ist dann individuelles Karma. Bei solchen geistigen Ausflügen beginnen bei uns in Uribistan die Kamele an zu kotzen.
Herrmann Finkelsteen
November 17, 2007
Christmaspresentz anda 'How to be a real good, fine,attractive, young, womanizing anthropsfy-head ?!'

- mat gundo reportz - Dear readerz, now Christmas timez ara coming, and from the beginningz of September on, in shops you can get all kindz of thingies to give to your beloved friendz. If you are an anthropsfy-head, you also may think about the stuff you give your otha anthropsfy-friendz anda girl-friendz. Well, here we hava some fine thingiez: but maybe, you lika to use them yourself! Let's go!
Since former timez, until now, to become a serious anthropsfy head, anda also to hava some respect, it is good you know some basicz of anthropsfy. In our firzt posts here (before it was Uribistan Daily, anda was still made by Canailloz) lotz of thingiez are written about electric anda astral booties anda otha thingz you must know if you wanna be good anthropsfy-head.
Also for this purpose we hava fine little helperz, lika for example the Rudy-haircut programm with different anthro-haircut wiggiez! We hava for example standard type 'Rudy', we have the more styled type 'Bodo', for ostalgix-fanz we hava type 'Sergej', for traditional female anthropsfy-headz we have type 'Virginia', for youngsterz, new heroes anda anthro- blogfighterz we have type 'Bastie' (now even cheaper!!). Till now type 'Bastie' has not been sold so much (only Murat bought few of it, so you can see on picz at Canailloz).
With this haircutz, anda with kinda of black dress, you can match lotta pointz in the anthro-game. The haircut combined with the sharp-eyez mask gives you high satisfaction! If you wear those thingiez, ofcourse you have to look at your anthro-behaviour! Firzt: learn the basicz of anthro-speach (as written before), second specialize yourself in some important anthro-topicz: lika karma, invisible booties anda elementary beingz, anthro-kitsh art or, better, Joseph Beuys, Chartres, flowformz, projective geometry, Tarkowsky, social ideaz, DM, eurythmix anda otha enlightenmentz. Try to mix it all up and bring your own thing. Write a lot, or make conferencez, speaking about everything! You can speak on schoolz, or betta, rent your own hall anda you will see that in beginningz (mature) women (widowed, divorced, with uninterested huzbandz, natural singlez) will visit your spiritual talkz - afta conference, talk directly with them. A special and fine case are eurythmix-girlz. Come with them in a common spiritual flow anda invite them for dinner. Warning: don't forget: firzt of all, you have to look in your present-day city, if there is a vegetarian restaurant! Important: talk seriously anda not to loud, with emphasis on the consonantz anda maka short break between your heavy thoughtz, look discretely at a point between her heart and throat (warning: this must be learned, do it yourself in a mirror, othawise she may think you ara looking at her breastz!), or look few centimeter above her head (electric booty!) - listen with earz and the heart wide open - talk about spiritual thingiez! If you hava no answer: put on the sharp eyez mask anda keep yourself in heavy meaningful silence. Afta you talk about something totaly different, but with very deep bottom. Try to put secret meaningz in all the stuff you are talking about. At the dinner, look for a good biodynamic wine. Warning: lotz of eurythmix-girlz don't drink ofcourse! Order them the best and most exclusive bio-fruit drinkz. Afta you can drink some yogi-tea. Invite her to your house, or bring her to her house (ofcourse you pay the taxi). Talk about good vibrationz, now it's the time you hava deep look in her eyez, anda you say following thingiez (no, not thiz what Boogie said): 'You have a mysterious/ very good/ clear/ virginlike/ gorgeous/ strong/ powerful/ deepblue/ clear-red/ goldyellow/ brightgreen aura.'(you can combine thiz in different variationz). Warning: never bring this Frank Zappa lyrics as a joke 'Lick my aura, Dora, do ye want some mora, right here on the flora?' At this point of your anthropsfy-interaction, kidding is killing you!
Now she asks you to come with here in her home and drink some Goodnight/Sleep/Wellness Weleda tea. Afta lida smalltalk (ofcourse you ara admiring her room/appartment/house), say meaningful thingiez of the former incarnationz of her cat! Otha possibilitiez: taka one of her cd's anda tell something anthropsfylike about the composer - look at a picture on the wall: tell something anthropsfylike about the painter - taka a book from her small library anda tell something anthropsfylike about the writer anda about the personz in this book. Next, after cup of good tea: you talka about your experiences with Weleda anda Wala anda rhythmic massagez (ofcourse by pure coincidence you hava lida bottle with wild rose-massage oil of Weleda in your pocket) - and than you ask her to giva massage on neck and shoulderz. Do it very slowly anda with tender feelingz (talk also about astrology and the starz) - say how beautiful it is to be togetha in kosmos anda found eachotha in wide, empty worldz to do thiz wonderful thingiez. (important warning: don't use Weleda After Shave yourself, it is absolutely libido knocking-out - betta take normal Joop! or Bruno Banani !!) Then taka lida rest, drink some tea, listen lida bit Arvo Pärt anda talk about fluidal interactionz between human beingz - about warmth, etc. Don't forget: sharp eyez! For rest of night we wish you both hava nice sexy anthropsfy timez anda never forget vaticanies! (warning: thiz method is without guaranty for anthropsfy-wimpz!)
Since former timez, until now, to become a serious anthropsfy head, anda also to hava some respect, it is good you know some basicz of anthropsfy. In our firzt posts here (before it was Uribistan Daily, anda was still made by Canailloz) lotz of thingiez are written about electric anda astral booties anda otha thingz you must know if you wanna be good anthropsfy-head.
Also for this purpose we hava fine little helperz, lika for example the Rudy-haircut programm with different anthro-haircut wiggiez! We hava for example standard type 'Rudy', we have the more styled type 'Bodo', for ostalgix-fanz we hava type 'Sergej', for traditional female anthropsfy-headz we have type 'Virginia', for youngsterz, new heroes anda anthro- blogfighterz we have type 'Bastie' (now even cheaper!!). Till now type 'Bastie' has not been sold so much (only Murat bought few of it, so you can see on picz at Canailloz).
With this haircutz, anda with kinda of black dress, you can match lotta pointz in the anthro-game. The haircut combined with the sharp-eyez mask gives you high satisfaction! If you wear those thingiez, ofcourse you have to look at your anthro-behaviour! Firzt: learn the basicz of anthro-speach (as written before), second specialize yourself in some important anthro-topicz: lika karma, invisible booties anda elementary beingz, anthro-kitsh art or, better, Joseph Beuys, Chartres, flowformz, projective geometry, Tarkowsky, social ideaz, DM, eurythmix anda otha enlightenmentz. Try to mix it all up and bring your own thing. Write a lot, or make conferencez, speaking about everything! You can speak on schoolz, or betta, rent your own hall anda you will see that in beginningz (mature) women (widowed, divorced, with uninterested huzbandz, natural singlez) will visit your spiritual talkz - afta conference, talk directly with them. A special and fine case are eurythmix-girlz. Come with them in a common spiritual flow anda invite them for dinner. Warning: don't forget: firzt of all, you have to look in your present-day city, if there is a vegetarian restaurant! Important: talk seriously anda not to loud, with emphasis on the consonantz anda maka short break between your heavy thoughtz, look discretely at a point between her heart and throat (warning: this must be learned, do it yourself in a mirror, othawise she may think you ara looking at her breastz!), or look few centimeter above her head (electric booty!) - listen with earz and the heart wide open - talk about spiritual thingiez! If you hava no answer: put on the sharp eyez mask anda keep yourself in heavy meaningful silence. Afta you talk about something totaly different, but with very deep bottom. Try to put secret meaningz in all the stuff you are talking about. At the dinner, look for a good biodynamic wine. Warning: lotz of eurythmix-girlz don't drink ofcourse! Order them the best and most exclusive bio-fruit drinkz. Afta you can drink some yogi-tea. Invite her to your house, or bring her to her house (ofcourse you pay the taxi). Talk about good vibrationz, now it's the time you hava deep look in her eyez, anda you say following thingiez (no, not thiz what Boogie said): 'You have a mysterious/ very good/ clear/ virginlike/ gorgeous/ strong/ powerful/ deepblue/ clear-red/ goldyellow/ brightgreen aura.'(you can combine thiz in different variationz). Warning: never bring this Frank Zappa lyrics as a joke 'Lick my aura, Dora, do ye want some mora, right here on the flora?' At this point of your anthropsfy-interaction, kidding is killing you!
Now she asks you to come with here in her home and drink some Goodnight/Sleep/Wellness Weleda tea. Afta lida smalltalk (ofcourse you ara admiring her room/appartment/house), say meaningful thingiez of the former incarnationz of her cat! Otha possibilitiez: taka one of her cd's anda tell something anthropsfylike about the composer - look at a picture on the wall: tell something anthropsfylike about the painter - taka a book from her small library anda tell something anthropsfylike about the writer anda about the personz in this book. Next, after cup of good tea: you talka about your experiences with Weleda anda Wala anda rhythmic massagez (ofcourse by pure coincidence you hava lida bottle with wild rose-massage oil of Weleda in your pocket) - and than you ask her to giva massage on neck and shoulderz. Do it very slowly anda with tender feelingz (talk also about astrology and the starz) - say how beautiful it is to be togetha in kosmos anda found eachotha in wide, empty worldz to do thiz wonderful thingiez. (important warning: don't use Weleda After Shave yourself, it is absolutely libido knocking-out - betta take normal Joop! or Bruno Banani !!) Then taka lida rest, drink some tea, listen lida bit Arvo Pärt anda talk about fluidal interactionz between human beingz - about warmth, etc. Don't forget: sharp eyez! For rest of night we wish you both hava nice sexy anthropsfy timez anda never forget vaticanies! (warning: thiz method is without guaranty for anthropsfy-wimpz!)

-mat gundo reportz- As you could read in the sideboard, we do advertisementz for you! Now, Our ambassador in berlin, Mister Goy, have ordered three different advertisementz. We made the firzt (you can see beside). And because he is firzt, anda we like advertizement pic, we do it here lida bit bigger, enjoy doing it in the heavenz! (if you clicka on it, it is even more bigga!). Special message to Our Ambassador: ofcourse Mr. Hicklussar, your blogbeing, isa welcome in Uribi Highlandz, our Incredible Blogbeazt will take care of him. Meanwhile I take lotz of care of Susanna (showing her Magix Places in the Highlandz!).
November 15, 2007
November 12, 2007
Murat hits the US Hip Hop Charts!?????

Yesa I ama challanga thos americained MOFOS lika 50 cent and Eminem. We Uribis hava our own Hip Hop. Yeah I spend the last few months in the backyards and backstreets ofa Hamasheyk and thena my fränds thisa songa cama to me flyin lika bird. Dig this and buy ita!
Yours old MOFO Murat
November 11, 2007
Kidnapping 2 anda Jamphetamines druggiez
- Mat Gundo reportz - Olde Uribi word says: 'If you lost your ape, you will find camel.' Well, we lost our Zabim, anda found now new site for our videos, photographs anda lotz of music, it's called: Jamphetamines. We hope that this site will live longtimez, anda stays also good musical site, without to mucha videoz of only boops anda doing wild-as-a-horse dingdongz. In Zabim lotz of peoplez only put videoz with biggezt of all those thingiez! But, otha Uribi word: 'Is it worth a bunch of warm Yeti shit?' We have got our songz back now. Lost ape anda found camel!
From the real kidnapperz we do not know anything. Till now, bloody joking site of oversized girlz did not react in anyway, but it's weekend, and they surely hava big fat lustich party with lot of spaghettiez anda cookiez anda drinkz and all that stuff. Maybe tomorrow thiz mister chief of lustich, the honorable Thomas Promny writes us letter. Also in internet nothing can be find of dizappearing of Zabim. But, readerz anda listenerz, you can hear us again! Jamphetamines is nice site, one thingie: my Uribi brotha Murat said to me he thinkz music soundz lida bit deeper anda also slower here. Do you think so? To me it seems lida bit deeper, but that's why before on Zabim it was lida bit higher as normal, now you hear my voice really sexy as it is. But to say it's slower, well maybe, but only 0,01 sekondz. I think, it's truth. Just enjoy it again! Overstreamingz!
November 09, 2007
WARNINGZ: our songz kidnapped by bloody djermanistan funsite?!
-Mat Gundo reportz- We don't know what happened to internetsite Zabim. You, dear readerz, you have thiz also on your PC, if you wanna hear our great Uribi campfire songz anda sing with us - you come on bloody funsite of Thiz is site where peoplez in djermanistan maka big dirty laughterz. Is Zabim now controlled by anda his fat masquotti girlz? Or is it bloody hackerz who made thiz? Or, most bad possibility: they kidnapped our Uribisongz! I will write thiz guyz letter, official from our Daily anda of The Free anda Everyoung Republic!
PostaScript: Here is letter I wrote to guyz of Lustich Tribe:
Dearezt Mista Chief Thomas Promny, dearezt Manager-headz anda System-Headz of!
In our Uribistan Daily (URL below), we hava few fine songz published from Murat Tchundyk, the UHU (Uribistan Harmony Urcheztra) and me, Mat Gundo. Usually we have Zadim site, we put on the trackz. But now, if we, and all dear readerz of us, like to hear our songz, we come on your Djermanistan Laughter Site of with fat masquotti Girl. How this is possible? Did you eat Zabim, ok, fine, but where is our music? Is Zabim hacked by evil guyz (maybe of Tzjop Clan?) and now all peoplez who wanna hear good music, see only bloody jokez? Are we only site with this problem, or is it general bullshit-thingy? Anda is it also bullshitting for you? Maybe you did not notice thiz problem, anda you ara wondering why so many peoplez (also from Uribistan) ara visiting your site, even without speaking Djermanistany!I hope you can throw evil beside, lotz of Overstreamingz, Mat Gundo
In our Uribistan Daily (URL below), we hava few fine songz published from Murat Tchundyk, the UHU (Uribistan Harmony Urcheztra) and me, Mat Gundo. Usually we have Zadim site, we put on the trackz. But now, if we, and all dear readerz of us, like to hear our songz, we come on your Djermanistan Laughter Site of with fat masquotti Girl. How this is possible? Did you eat Zabim, ok, fine, but where is our music? Is Zabim hacked by evil guyz (maybe of Tzjop Clan?) and now all peoplez who wanna hear good music, see only bloody jokez? Are we only site with this problem, or is it general bullshit-thingy? Anda is it also bullshitting for you? Maybe you did not notice thiz problem, anda you ara wondering why so many peoplez (also from Uribistan) ara visiting your site, even without speaking Djermanistany!I hope you can throw evil beside, lotz of Overstreamingz, Mat Gundo
November 05, 2007
Soundtrack for November
Listen and geta real melancholic dive deep into your romantic soul dear reader. Breathe in and breathe outa.
Yours november-depression-preparing Murat
November 02, 2007
Tzjop Girl - Mat Gundo, Murat and special guest
copyright pics Murat Tchundyk

After the last shaman meeting in Uribi Highlands, me and Mat met Don Pepe from Mexico in the Uribi Midland Canyons at fullmoon. This wasa late summer. I discovered in the studio archives this beautiful recording from the canyons. We hada beautiful night. This isa song about Tzjop Girl. Soon I willa talk about my harem, I ama nearly convinced to geta rid of many womäns buta it isa difficuilt to say goodbye to you really love.
Yours Murat and enjoy listening to our Uribi Bob Dylan Mat Gundo
Yours Murat and enjoy listening to our Uribi Bob Dylan Mat Gundo
Oktober 29, 2007
Congratulationz to Egoist Tribe anda Comixtranzlation

- Mat Gundo reportz - Dearezt Readerz of both sexes! We hope you are still enjoying singing with us about camelz anda about girlz on camelz anda about freaky banditz trying to kidnap girlz on camelz, anda ofcourse also singing with us about Zeroes.
But now, something else: today we could read that Micelle Eggert from great Egoist Triba has received special Anthropsfy Sphärus prize! We maka big congratulationz to you! This price he became from Our Uribi Ambassador, Mister Christoph Goy. Before in thiz year prize was given to sweet AOEA girl anda to friendz of Terra Canaillo.
Some timez ago, Micelle Eggert said to us, we can also maka Uribi english tranzlation of his wellknown famouz Comix. We began with it, and finished it today. That's Karma! Just enjoy thiz tranzlated comix, singin' along - to maka comix more bigga, just klicka on it!
But now, something else: today we could read that Micelle Eggert from great Egoist Triba has received special Anthropsfy Sphärus prize! We maka big congratulationz to you! This price he became from Our Uribi Ambassador, Mister Christoph Goy. Before in thiz year prize was given to sweet AOEA girl anda to friendz of Terra Canaillo.
Some timez ago, Micelle Eggert said to us, we can also maka Uribi english tranzlation of his wellknown famouz Comix. We began with it, and finished it today. That's Karma! Just enjoy thiz tranzlated comix, singin' along - to maka comix more bigga, just klicka on it!
Oktober 27, 2007
Camel Love
- mat gundo reportz - Below, Murat gave impressionating list of numberz of our visitorz from all over the Worldz. Hello India, Hello Emirates, Hello Djermanistan, Hello Worldz! Now you can say: hé, but I don't see any Uribi readerz! They are included in 'Network' above. If we began in Uribistan with new telephon, telegraph anda now internet connectionz, American expertz fixed Uribi net. Anda here in Uribistan: telephonating anda internetting, until now, are free.
Yes, there are lot of thingiez in Uribistan, dear readerz, you don't know - here you can learn them. For example our 'thumbgreeting'. On your reactionz we could see, it was very new to you, anda, peoplez, be sure, it has nothing to do with Bayrisch 'fingerhäkeln', or something like thiz.
Now, after big party for our great canaillo-friend mister Kronstadt (I think, soon he wil writa about Uribistan on his Canaillo site, with nice picz of Uribi landscapez and Murat), we turn to normal Uribi life.
And here is something for you to hear: the Uribi song Camel Love. You must know, in Uribistan it is very high pleasure to ride on back of camel. If you hava Camel you are rich. If you hava two Camelz you ara more rich, and so on. But, to ride on Camel with your pretty girlfriend it is very very high pleasure. Anda very very very high pleasure is to sing about riding with most pretty girlfriend on back of Camel. Now, our song Camel Love is about this. The original is ofcourse in high Uribi speach. But we tranzlated it, to maka Uribi Culture very known in whole world. If you hear text, you may notice thiz song was from Uribi Highlandz, joking about guyz from Lowlandz, anda also joking about mystic bandits from mystic Blowlandz. Now, everybody singz this song, also Lowland guyz (Murat, haha). In this verzion I'm singing, the music is made by Uribistan Harmony Urcheztra (UHU). UHU = Machmout, Aleyev, Farrid, Tharuwat, anda ofcourse Uribi Friend Murat. Just enjoy it!
Now, after big party for our great canaillo-friend mister Kronstadt (I think, soon he wil writa about Uribistan on his Canaillo site, with nice picz of Uribi landscapez and Murat), we turn to normal Uribi life.
And here is something for you to hear: the Uribi song Camel Love. You must know, in Uribistan it is very high pleasure to ride on back of camel. If you hava Camel you are rich. If you hava two Camelz you ara more rich, and so on. But, to ride on Camel with your pretty girlfriend it is very very high pleasure. Anda very very very high pleasure is to sing about riding with most pretty girlfriend on back of Camel. Now, our song Camel Love is about this. The original is ofcourse in high Uribi speach. But we tranzlated it, to maka Uribi Culture very known in whole world. If you hear text, you may notice thiz song was from Uribi Highlandz, joking about guyz from Lowlandz, anda also joking about mystic bandits from mystic Blowlandz. Now, everybody singz this song, also Lowland guyz (Murat, haha). In this verzion I'm singing, the music is made by Uribistan Harmony Urcheztra (UHU). UHU = Machmout, Aleyev, Farrid, Tharuwat, anda ofcourse Uribi Friend Murat. Just enjoy it!
Soon we hava 20 000 Klicks

since April we hava Uribistan Daily. We learna froma you and you learna froma us. A beautiful symbiotic relation. We lova you all!!!!
Now some facts, List of visitor nations on 27th ofa October 2007 ( The first thirty of coursa there are more)
net | ![]() | 7072 |
com | ![]() | 2388 |
de | ![]() | 1129 |
ch | ![]() | 985 |
at | ![]() | 743 |
ca | ![]() | 339 |
in | ![]() | 323 |
be | ![]() | 308 |
au | ![]() | 197 |
fi | ![]() | 178 |
uk | ![]() | 175 |
nl | ![]() | 147 |
edu | ![]() | 120 |
gr | ![]() | 78 |
mx | ![]() | 65 |
br | ![]() | 58 |
it | ![]() | 57 |
no | ![]() | 55 |
pl | ![]() | 50 |
fr | ![]() | 48 |
se | ![]() | 47 |
pt | ![]() | 42 |
dk | ![]() | 39 |
id | ![]() | 37 |
ae | ![]() | 36 |
pk | ![]() | 35 |
sa | ![]() | 35 |
org | ![]() | 34 |
my | ![]() | 33 |
za | ![]() | 29 |
From the editorial team Yours frändly Murat Tchundyk
Oktober 26, 2007
Viziting Uribistan!

-mat gundo reportz- We hava nice dayz now: it is cold but very sunny, anda wheatherwoman is back on station! It is great day to say welcome to one of our Uribi-Blog fathaz, TC Kronstadt, having kinda of birthday today, anda for firzt time in life visiting with super gorgeous Jane the wide anda beautiful landz of The Free anda Everyoung Republic of Uribistan! We had already lida Camelride in mountainz anda visiting olda church in Uribi Highlandz. TC Kronstadt also could join us in the Uribi National Studios, anda saw birth of some songz made by me and Murat anda Uribi Harmony Urcheztra. Ofcourse, they ara only firzt ideas brought on cd, but nice for our readerz to hear - so you ara not only readerz anda viewerz, but also listenerz. Anda today, we ara making with Jane and TC K big Uribi party on farm of Murat, witha lotz of music anda dancing. In the middle of cowz anda sheep anda goatz anda his, allready almost harvested, Anauh Iram fieldz, we will hava fun with the whole village. On picture you see Murat anda TCK making old traditional Shamash greeting. Shamash greeting is originally only for men. The strength of the thumb, how thick, long anda how topping-out they are, says lotz about virility and potency of men. Both guyz mada good Shamash! The pic is made by gorgeous Jane. Let us dance (you can dance on music below: 'Zeroes of Light')!
Oktober 24, 2007
Zeroes of the light
"Zeroes ofa light" bei Zabim
We donta know whicha Foersterliesl isa righta one. So Mat and Murat mada Song for all Foersterliesls, buta also for all interested peoples. You canna hear Mat singin, pleasa singa along if you are Zero of the light, too
Mat and Murat wishing you a big MAGASH!
Mat and Murat wishing you a big MAGASH!
Oktober 17, 2007
" 500 Neger, Goethe und eine Brasilianerin" LITERATURRÄTZEL
" (...) Und nun darf ich ja auch beifügen, warum ich nicht mehr ins Damencafé gehen darf. Eine ( Frau )* präsentierte mir dort unter den Klängen einer verführerischen Musik auf einem Teller den jungen Goethe. Da er mir in solchem Zappelzustand unwahrscheinlich erschien, lehnte ich ihn ab. Der jugendliche Goethe eine Marionette, eine Puppe, danke! Aber diese Verfehlung wäre noch hingegeangen, es erschien da aber eines Tages eine der schönsten jungen Frauen, die ich je in meinem Leben sah, eine Brasilianerin, mit der ich mich, da sie sich zu mir gesetzt hatte, in ein Gespräch verknüpfte. Sie sagte mir, sie besässe fünfhundert Neger. Da ich an diese Neger und an all ihren pünktlichen Gehorsam nicht glauben wollte, nannte sie mich einen Baueren, und zwar laut genug, dass es die gesamte werte Angesammeltheit, die aus einem Prachtstrauss von weiblichen Zierden bestand, hörte. Ich war vernichtet. Halbpatziger Goethekenntnis, die diesem Dichter als Verbeugungsmännlein und aus nichts als Artigkeit bestehend nehmen will, und meinem Widerstand gegenüber leichtschürzeliger Afrikaauffassung verdanke ich die Verbannung aus den Zirkeln der Eleganz. Ich trinke jetzt mein Glas Bier in der unteren Stadt und befinde mich wohl dabei. (...)"
* wurde aus Rätzelgründen verändert
Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, liebe Antropsfyblogheads und Nicht- Antropsfyblogheads
in unserem heutigen Literaturrätzel wollen wir den Namen des Autors und den Namen des Romans.
Namhafte Anthroposophen wollten ihn nach Dornach holen,doch vergeblich, vielleicht gefiel ihm ja die leichtschürzelige Afrikaauffassung der Anthroposophen nicht, dass er eine Karriere am Goetheanum ablehnte. Aber nicht nur Anthroposophen interessierten sich für ihn,sondern auch die amerikanischen Filmemacher die Coenbrüder ( Big Lebowski, Brother where art thou?, die in den 90er Jahren versuchten Literatur dieses Mannes zu verfilmen. Leider kam nie etwas für den Zuschauer dabei heraus. Aber irgendwo in den Archiven der Coenbrüder müsste es noch Material über dieses Projekt geben.
Wie heisst der Autor und wie heisst der Roman aus dem hier zitiert wurde?
Ihr Herrmann Finkelsteen
* wurde aus Rätzelgründen verändert
Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, liebe Antropsfyblogheads und Nicht- Antropsfyblogheads
in unserem heutigen Literaturrätzel wollen wir den Namen des Autors und den Namen des Romans.
Namhafte Anthroposophen wollten ihn nach Dornach holen,doch vergeblich, vielleicht gefiel ihm ja die leichtschürzelige Afrikaauffassung der Anthroposophen nicht, dass er eine Karriere am Goetheanum ablehnte. Aber nicht nur Anthroposophen interessierten sich für ihn,sondern auch die amerikanischen Filmemacher die Coenbrüder ( Big Lebowski, Brother where art thou?, die in den 90er Jahren versuchten Literatur dieses Mannes zu verfilmen. Leider kam nie etwas für den Zuschauer dabei heraus. Aber irgendwo in den Archiven der Coenbrüder müsste es noch Material über dieses Projekt geben.
Wie heisst der Autor und wie heisst der Roman aus dem hier zitiert wurde?
Ihr Herrmann Finkelsteen
Oktober 15, 2007
-Mat Gundo reportz-In deep South-East of our beloved country Uribistan we found lost gang of some terrorizt talibanz. Ofcourse our great USA* (Uribistan Secret Army, with his great director Leah Cim Tregge) could stop this gang, arrested them all anda found some interesting terrorizt learning stuff! Here we present one important video made for education of bad guyz!
* a nice picture of our great USA, with free permission by our administration, you can find here on thiz very investigative blog of the undercover Beatagentz with chief Dr. Sumbolle! Here we see some special agentz in official uribi-gouvernment car (see also here) on secret mission in Djermanistan.
* a nice picture of our great USA, with free permission by our administration, you can find here on thiz very investigative blog of the undercover Beatagentz with chief Dr. Sumbolle! Here we see some special agentz in official uribi-gouvernment car (see also here) on secret mission in Djermanistan.
Oktober 12, 2007
Fahrn, Fahrn, Fahrn auf der AUTOBAHN
Why is ita that Djermanistan is so crazy abouta AUTOBAHNS? Grrrrrrosssse Ferkerrrsstrassssen, Schlagaderrrrrrn des Ferkerrs.
Yours frändly Murat
Get your soundtrack for the heavy AUTOBAHN discussions in djerman TV and in antropsfy world and elsewhere.
Hardcore Autobahnisten go pleasa to this strange djerman folk music band. Here you canna see how evil 68ers(for our americain readers this is nota basketballteam lika the 76ers, buta generation with long hairs, beards and druggies) destroy the Autobahn of austrian Big Leader of Djermanistan, nota only dida they destroy family values no they also destroyed merciless djermanistans favourite darling. Now I know why Eva Hermann, Green-little-River and Happy Beater are so angry witha 68ers.
Oktober 10, 2007
Murat Tchundyk celebrates 800 years of Dschelaladin Rumi
Magash and peace on earth!!!
Yours frändly Murat Tchundyk
Oktober 09, 2007
nice shaman workingz with women giving total complete orgasm!
- mat gundo reportz - Dearezt readerz in Americanistan, Europistan anda lotz of readerz anda viewerz in India! Hello! Hello! In dayz before you could read lotz of thingiez about new lawz, about haremz anda bourquinis, anda good festivalz in Uribi Highlandz, free anda everyoung! Today we show you very special happening with one of our great Shamanz, master in Kamel Sutré, and how he gives women totaly complete orgasm! Look at it, but CAUTION: DON'T DO THIZ WITH YOUR WIFE(S) ANDA GIRLFRIEND(S) IF YOU DON'T HAVE 15th DEGREE AND HIGHER IN SPECIAL ESOTERIC KAMEL SUTRÉ PRACTICE !! THERE CAN BE GREAT RISK OF DEATH OR SEVERE INJURY! But if you hava 15th degree and more, you can give all women the most absolute thrill of their today's life!
Oktober 07, 2007
Bourquini Modern Style

Bourquinis for sale

Dearest lovely female antropsfy blogheads,
please wear bourquinis ifa you coma to Uribistan in a holidays. Mats fantasy is westernized by too much internet surfin. Ifa you wanta order your bourquini on line click here.
Yours frändly moda designer Murat
P.S. Please Mat looka that your ladies are wearin bourquinis in your free swinging parlour. Otherwise I feel obliged to phone up Mullah Ratziniu in Uribi Midlands.
Uribi Eurythmix in the Army Fitness Studio
Our uribian army integrated Eurythmix in their training as you canna see!
By the way the 55 goats from my cousin were all sick and died of the dangerous Uribi virus 5vioKld.
Oktober 05, 2007
Message from our Homelandz Ministry of the Interior to: Tchundyk, Tzjop & Ambassador

We know, that this kind of social behaviour is very olde, and also peoplez have their money dealing with this! There are olde familiez, who has great skills in merchandising anda trading with women, lika great Tzjop family anda their enterprise "Family Tradingz anda Merchandisez". Halim Tzjop, the present director, in thiz moments makes business with Murat Tchundyk, our great correspondent of The Daily. Mister Tchundyk now takes one great step in modern timez, and he gives freedom to all wifez in harem. Mista Tzjop now lika to maka business with one special wife, Annette girl, to sell her to our Ambassador in Berlin (if he still wantz). This can be very interesting business! Now, the ministry gives one opportunity to Mista Tzjop, to buy anda sell. Mista Tzjop can buy anda sell Annette till 31th of December. Afterwardz it's illegal, and Mizta Tzjop goes in jail.

To the official start of the auction we present to all interested peoplez (also mista Tzjop, after you can have all rightz) two pics of Annett - one is Annette with spectaclez, one without. She did not want to open the Burka, we are sorry. But enjoy it and give your opinion and ofcourse money!).
NEW: Important Newz from our Ambassador In Berlin! He send us new picz of Annette. Look also here!
We are very proud to publish one pic of our Ambassador on our site (below) , it's swimming pool szene with burka!
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