- Mat Gundo reportz - Our Ambassador Mista Goy wished to hava today otha advertizement (read here). We mada nice thingie (see on the right). But for you dear readerz, we give picture also here, so you can click it out to hava it real big. Hava gut overstreamingz on Firzt of Adventz!
4 Kommentare:
I see Christoph Goy womanizing again and this is for the good if they are using vaticanies.
Who is this blonde anyways? Mary Magdala?
hi Annette,
this blonde is Cicciolina -
not just another lemon tart
Dear Liesel-
I hope so!! And so is the guy on the pic.
hm engel als schaufensterpuppen? da ist mir die hölle und der junge bush oben rechts lieber
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