Dezember 15, 2007

New Infovideo from Our Ambassador

-Mat Gundo reportz - Ofcourse it is lida bit early, but we wish Our Ambassador Mista Goy a very fine Christmas anda Happy New Yearz. He shall maka fine relexionz anda shit upon all kindz of naughty clothez he sees wearing young women in the streetz. Betta he makez easy dayz (without Hicklussar, which arrived today in Uribistan!), but with his fine secretary girl Susanna, anda: without to much hard driving. We are proud to present you new videoclip from Our Ambassador with Susanna girl (we rememba very good timez with her). Anda remember: petting in cars can be dangerouz, not only in hotelz in Turkye! Overstreamingz to everybody, anda great Pre-Christmas-Blessingz!

Ofcourse we give you full-size picture of new goy's world christmas advertizement:

4 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

I should wear my dancing shoes again!
Or type more letters for you.

Murat Tchundyk hat gesagt…

relaxa you are good girl keep your Burka.
I ama okay you are okay we are all okay.
Yours frändly Murat
P.S. Actually Mat took a pic ofa you. I wouldnt dare. i still dreama ofa you meeting you ona sandunes You are lying there only witha your red spectacles. Bawoummmm thena I realize only hot steamy nightly fata morgana.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hey Murat,

why dont you condense your thoughts together to fix them in that carpet ( can be a car as well - I know you own one ) and ............ bawoummmmmmm...........

You are where you wanna be.
(we do not need camera there)

Waiting Annette

Anonym hat gesagt…

Very, very good! The video with Susanna as well as the Christmas-ad!