Oktober 07, 2007

Bourquinis for sale

Dearest lovely female antropsfy blogheads,
please wear bourquinis ifa you coma to Uribistan in a holidays. Mats fantasy is westernized by too much internet surfin. Ifa you wanta order your bourquini on line click here.
Yours frändly moda designer Murat
P.S. Please Mat looka that your ladies are wearin bourquinis in your free swinging parlour. Otherwise I feel obliged to phone up Mullah Ratziniu in Uribi Midlands.

4 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Nice! really nice ! I could wear this tenue walking the dog on windy days. But the coulours should be mossy, rusty, maybe a fatigue pattern. Can you provide this ?
Or was this meant for swimming? how gruesome! Do you know the wet t-shirt effect ? very revealing...

Murat Tchundyk hat gesagt…

Dearest lovely Foersterliesl,
yes of course I know the wet t-shirt effect. Every saturday night Mat has ita in his free swinging parlour at the pool.
Yours frändly Murat

Anonym hat gesagt…

I see you ARE up to date.By the way, could I use "bourquini" as a trademark? Its a great compilation
of heritage and mondaine; and there IS a market for such froggish suits.

Murat Tchundyk hat gesagt…

Dearest lovely Foersterliesl,
Bourquini coma from Burka. Bourquini is somehow frivolish and sexy, buta click and go to Alihidia. Obviously there isa woma called Burquini. So donta know the origin ofa this word. Maybe you canna start a research. I musta cleana today. Oksana is sick.
Yours frändly Murat