Oktober 24, 2007

Zeroes of the light

"Zeroes ofa light" bei Zabim
We donta know whicha Foersterliesl isa righta one. So Mat and Murat mada Song for all Foersterliesls, buta also for all interested peoples. You canna hear Mat singin, pleasa singa along if you are Zero of the light, too
Mat and Murat wishing you a big MAGASH!

7 Kommentare:

karl gumbricht hat gesagt…

lalala, we are nonnono heroes...
we arrre no heroes,... we arrre the zeeeeroes of the lilililight.
hmhmhmhmhmhm lalala

beautyful musik, likez to spend time on uribi sandz with you guys...

Anonym hat gesagt…

Great! unverwechselbares timbre!
Walhallala, Nirwanala! Liesels are former walkyries and like that!

Anonym hat gesagt…

by the way: handsome weatherman for Vinam weather station with sixpacks willa show up finally? walhallala, walhallala.........

Anonym hat gesagt…

Hey! So we are zeroes of the light plus one weatherman. Hurraaahhhh!

Now we need the kidnapped weatherwoman++++

Thats one plus one.


Anonym hat gesagt…


Die Walküren sind wieder da! Die wollte ich schon immer mal kennenlernen Hoiotoho!

Nerones Badestrand ist immer offen!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Great song, lot of fun,
you are heroes!!
Greatings to TCK,
Frau K.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Lampenhausen wants to join you guys to nirvanana and wants to meet physicaly uribi MAMA. Where cann I by this pauschalreise?

Thany & lovely greets Lampenhausen