Februar 05, 2007

the antropsfy blogs interview with borat and other posts from 'the naked thruth' in djerman and hodgepodge

in the last weeks our reader, mister borat, send us, and some other blogs, his beautiful, astonishing comments and questions about antropsfy. he makes this interview as an embedded journalist of 'the naked thruth', the most viewed, secret kazaki newspaper. we are proud to work with him. the naked thruth, we just love it!

seit einiger zeit schickt uns ein leser, herr borat, wunderschöne comments (sowohl hier als auch ' in a goys' world') in englisch-kazakstani-kraut-kauderwelsch. jetzt möchte er uns interviewen für seine zeitschrift 'the naked thruth'. wir haben natürlich sofort zugesagt, weil uns 'the naked thruth' auch sehr interessiert. wir schlagen vor das interview hier in den kommentaren stattfinden zu lassen. borat puts question and terra c. and goy, and maybe many others, give answers, ok? warten wir es ab...

wir gehen folgendermaßen vor: die fragen von herrn borat kopieren wir im text samt (evt. nicht nur) unseren antworten. die fragen sind natürlich auch weiter in den kommentaren nachzulesen!

borats prayer of thanksgiving:
Dearest lovely TCK, and Josie Canaillo and of course baby Jaaane, you are so lovely to us I musta say I am deeply stirred by your hospitality. All this lovely pictschers, iranian carpet (Is Misses Anette flying carpet?), my Americain motherfuckers, swiss girls sniffing cowhorn powder, pregnant Antropotantra girl, your national hero singer Mr. Sex and dr...(sorry Steinere), Rock and Rolllll.Let us keep on rock annnnd RooooLLLLL.Thank you so mucha big licking Kissas over all your faces.I love youuuuuuuuu allll!Gooooood karma!!!!!!!Goooood Antropotantraaaaaaaa!Yours frändly rapistBorat

4 Kommentare:

Thaddaeus Craeyberg hat gesagt…

hier sind noch mal alle kommentare die bis jetzt eingegangen sind, (hrn. borats fragen, christoph und annettes comments)

BORAT hat gesagt...
Welcoma to Borats interview,

Dear blogheads of antropsfy,

Iama very horny to learna from you all.

Antropsfy sounda lika autopsy, so först questschon is:
Are you workin with dead peoples?
Other questschon Dooo youuu hava President lika Bush?
How many slaves you neeeded to make castle on hill were President lives?

Iam horny to hava you answer.
Tanke shcöööööN for your envittion!

Yours frändly rapist


Donnerstag, Februar 01, 2007 11:19:00 PM

BORAT hat gesagt...
Dear transylvanian fränds,

you hava problem witha your President. He not al ike my interview?
Okay gooda night i reada bit book of Pamela to relaxa.

Your cultural learner


Donnerstag, Februar 01, 2007 11:37:00 PM

Christoph hat gesagt...
Good Idea!

Freitag, Februar 02, 2007 2:18:00 AM

Christoph hat gesagt...
Oh, Jane is around again! Ca va?

Freitag, Februar 02, 2007 2:19:00 AM

Christoph hat gesagt...
Igor disappeared! Borat, did you see Igor?

Freitag, Februar 02, 2007 2:21:00 AM

BORAT hat gesagt...
Dear blogheads of getschermän,chärmän and special djerman tribe of antropsfy,

Tanke shcoööön vuer antfortne mir!
I hava reed last night Gesamtausgabe. I musta say verrry confuse me. I hava to talka to Mr. Steinre. Is hee also comin here to interview, he also bloghead of your tribe? Bring him, please!!
I not understäna your bootis,
we in kaskstan hav head, arms and legs, man hava ding-dong, womans hava camel mountains betweeeen head and tummy( old womans hava disaapeiring sand dunes= old traditional saying in Kasakstan)but youuur triba hava 4 bootys..Koerpre
1 Pysio booty, 2 electric booty, 3 astro booty, 4 EGO booty stränsch....
How you mantscha in antropsfy tribe?
Is Mr. Steienr was a presidentor holy man lika Mohammed writa about stränsch thingys?
Last questschon: Youu also hava anal relitschious parties and rits lika for exampel jew bashing, sad cheesus pokin in rips to make him laughh or ...prayin to biga blacka stone in sand dunes or sit lika fat man under tree?
Tella me all you united under flag of antropsfy !!! I am so häpy to learn from youuuu.

Your dutiful cultural learner

Not read only for Jane, män all clos eyes.
Questscho onli for Jaaane:
I seee a video with your white stones in mouf. Youu wannn meeet me in after behind done interview? Pleasee!

Freitag, Februar 02, 2007 6:40:00 PM

BORAT hat gesagt...
Hell agäin,
forgota taska youu Mr. Steinre why a you hava no Pictschers like Pamela in youur books, youu know it is a so relaxin. So manyy booooks ....uhfff....and no pictschers and the only pictschers my teacher in Kaskstan made on table in front of school....
Mr. Steinre youuuu wan hava Pamelas book?
I giva you gladly!

Your cultural learner from Kaskstan writing for "THENAKEDTRUTH" newpaper.

Kisses for you Mr. Steinre also forr Jane.

Ilova youu so mucha!


Freitag, Februar 02, 2007 6:47:00 PM

Annette hat gesagt...
Dann stimmt es ja doch mit joseph canaillo überein, daß der Geist aus dem Urgrund aufsteigt!
Mein Ausweis wurde von Heinz Zimmermann unterschrieben, das war ein ganz unbürokratischer Akt. Was bedeutet eigentlich Anarchie?!?
Als Lebende betätigen wir uns aber schon auf der wirklichen Ebene; und wenn wir merken daß eine Veränderung hier notwendig ist, greifen wir durch anstatt alles zu belassen wie es ist. Was bedeutet Gemeinschaft denn, wenn nicht, Zeit miteinander zu verbringen?

Freitag, Februar 02, 2007 11:25:00 PM

BORAT hat gesagt...
Dear lovely antropsfy blogheads,

I willa send you bath suite( made by little children hands of our textile factories)
Your answereing makes my heart sing in highest tones.
Oh I am so sorrrry Mr. Steinere is dead!!
He gotta killed by KGB, CIA or Al- quaida?
Or evil naturespirit killed hima?
What are you doing with his soul and spirit?
Is physio booty of hima in refrigerator up in your beautiiiffuuul castle up on hill to visit and see?
Tella me.

Your cultural learner and frändly rapist


Samstag, Februar 03, 2007 10:15:00 AM

BORAT hat gesagt...
Dear antropsfy blogheads,

Is Mr. Sex and Drugs and Roll your national anthem?
So you are in expectation of new modern heroe, becausa Mr. Steinere is dead? God and naturespirits bless hima! I am so sorry, dearest antropsfy blogheads, really!!!!
I hearda that you hava new Modern heroe, I thinka his name is Green-little-river, is this true?
Please bringa hima here I musta talka to hima?
I not have visa to go and visit him in Intro 3 blogland, they hava bouncer witha name the happy beater, he stränsch....

Please helpa me Mr. TCK and Mr. Canaillo!

Your devoted cultural learner!

And frändly rapist


Samstag, Februar 03, 2007 10:26:00 AM

Christoph hat gesagt...
he also bloghead of your tribe?
If Steiner was still alive he would be part of the anthrosphere with an own blog.

How you mantscha in antropsfy tribe?
No problem. We do it in a "ganzheitlich" way. Steiner wants to say that human beings are more than a visible body. Short: In our tribe we usually have *s...*-time with four bodies! You wanna became a member?

Is Mr. Steienr was a presidentor holy man lika Mohammed writa about stränsch thingys?
For some people in our tribe he is a guru.

Youu also hava anal relitschious parties and rits lika for exampel jew bashing, sad cheesus pokin in rips to make him laughh or ...prayin to biga blacka stone in sand dunes or sit lika fat man under tree?
We have the "Menschenweihehandlung" in the CG, which is a very cool ritual thing.

Samstag, Februar 03, 2007 12:34:00 PM

Annette hat gesagt...
Gerade wollte ich auch mal ein Bild für Janes Wonderworld zeichnen, da zeigt er, das guestbook ist für lampenhausen.blogspot.com gesperrt. :-). Wenn ich der admin bin, kann ich es wieder entsperren.
1. Ich bin nicht Lampenhausen.
2. Was ist gegen ihn einzuwenden?
3. Das graphic guestbook zum Selbermachen habe ich gebookmarkt. Danke das Angebot, auch für bisher.
4. Canaillo und Borat sind wohl ein bißchen überfröhlich, aber es wäre schade für Steiner, wenn man sie nicht mehr online sehen würde.

Samstag, Februar 03, 2007 6:16:00 PM

terra canaillo hat gesagt...
liebe annette! das graphische gästebuch spinnt, manchmal sind wir auch ausgeschlossen. wieso? keine ahnung, wir haben die sache oft genug wieder freigemacht. und jetzt war lampenhausen ausgesperrt? :-)) wir haben nachgeschaut, hier ist alles in ordnung. gruß, die Überfröhlichen

Samstag, Februar 03, 2007 7:29:00 PM

BORAT hat gesagt...
Questschon test From Borat you problem witha blogg?
You antropsfy peoples are verry serious you also hava funny chokes you gonna tella me from your culture.

Are you ojkay Frau Annette and Mr. Canaillo?

Bybye i learnet in America:

Yours cultural learner from antropsfy


Samstag, Februar 03, 2007 11:53:00 PM

BORAT + Mahmoud hat gesagt...
Hava you the Alternative supermarket mails.
, because i dona not wanta hava tomatoes growin outa of children eyes looka at a link agäin.
Your antropsfy food making that verrry stränsch....lika Genfood making funny given you 7 upt to 9 bootys?
You hava police in a you triba?

So go now meditate. Interesting thingy he writa in "How I get high worlds?" bout medtiation.

Yor fat man sitting under treeee Ohmmmm. I justa trya to be funy I a bit

Yours cultural learner

from BORAT
Greetings hei! ! from Mahmoud Harrrrish kissas to Jane.

He was a in Afghanistan nice really nice goy!

Sonntag, Februar 04, 2007 12:02:00 AM

BORAT hat gesagt...
Dearest anrtropsfy blogheads,

Mr.Mahmoud harridh is official uribistani With-translator.
Isay a word he looka in djerman or getschermän (bit confuse for me) -uribistani Lexicon book and i translata so we did the gesamtausgabe.

Greät work, but no pictschers.
Words, words but I musta say inertesting verry..!!¨

for example i say SEX he looka in Getscermän and he saya Geschlecht.

I puta Getschermän and Amercained English together. I learnet when I was cultural learner beginner.
I can writa in my newspaper THENAKEDTRUTH Your antropsfy blogheads (all? i dona not know) geschlecht mitt 9 bootys. You call then antropotantra.
( Fr...reakin PC from bazaar isatnbul)
Sorry for letter.

I love so much kissas from m for all lova you!! All!!

Yours fränddly rapist


Sonntag, Februar 04, 2007 12:49:00 AM

4. Februar 2007 10:42
terra canaillo Hat gesagt…
BORAT hat gesagt...
Questschon test From Borat you problem witha blogg?
You antropsfy peoples are verry serious you also hava funny chokes you gonna tella me from your culture.

Are you ojkay Frau Annette and Mr. Canaillo?

Bybye i learnet in America:

Yours cultural learner from antropsfy


Samstag, Februar 03, 2007 11:53:00 PM

BORAT + Mahmoud hat gesagt...
Hava you the Alternative supermarket mails.
, because i dona not wanta hava tomatoes growin outa of children eyes looka at a link agäin.
Your antropsfy food making that verrry stränsch....lika Genfood making funny given you 7 upt to 9 bootys?
You hava police in a you triba?

So go now meditate. Interesting thingy he writa in "How I get high worlds?" bout medtiation.

Yor fat man sitting under treeee Ohmmmm. I justa trya to be funy I a bit

Yours cultural learner

from BORAT
Greetings hei! ! from Mahmoud Harrrrish kissas to Jane.

He was a in Afghanistan nice really nice goy!

Sonntag, Februar 04, 2007 12:02:00 AM

BORAT hat gesagt...
Dearest anrtropsfy blogheads,

Mr.Mahmoud harridh is official uribistani With-translator.
Isay a word he looka in djerman or getschermän (bit confuse for me) -uribistani Lexicon book and i translata so we did the gesamtausgabe.

Greät work, but no pictschers.
Words, words but I musta say inertesting verry..!!¨

for example i say SEX he looka in Getscermän and he saya Geschlecht.

I puta Getschermän and Amercained English together. I learnet when I was cultural learner beginner.
I can writa in my newspaper THENAKEDTRUTH Your antropsfy blogheads (all? i dona not know) geschlecht mitt 9 bootys. You call then antropotantra.
( Fr...reakin PC from bazaar isatnbul)
Sorry for letter.

I love so much kissas from m for all lova you!! All!!

Yours fränddly rapist


Sonntag, Februar 04, 2007 12:49:00 AM

Annette hat gesagt...
Liebe Überfröhliche, von terra canaillo aus geht es tatsächlich wieder! Stimmt übrigens, in der Vergangenheit wurde das Gästebuch einige Male entsperrt, glaube ich. Also kann auch Igor wieder mitzeichnen, und das managt er sicher. An den Link mit dem happy beater habe ich mich erinnert und muß sagen, daß man sicherlich keine der heißgeliebten Kleinigkeiten ( Bücher, Kupferbälle, Jungebäder etc) wirklich braucht, d.h. haben muß, allerdings erhöht ein wenig Wellness die Lebensqualität gewaltig. Linda Thomas, die Frau, die das Goetheanum putzt, sagt, mit all dem zieht man die Elementarwesen an und gibt ihnen ein Zuhause. Für mich liegt hier auch genau der Grund, warum einige von uns in ihrer jeweiligen Umgebung besser gefördert sind als andere. Man kann es natürlich auf die Spitze treiben und sagen, daß es nicht die Christusbegegnung ist, die wir brauchen. Felix Hau muß mir allerdings ein Alternativbeispiel bringen, das äquivalent ist, ansonsten bevorzuge ich die herkömmliche Redeweise. Ich glaube, Rudolf Steiner kannte die Fragestellung bereits damals sehr gut aber manches muß auch erlebt werden, um verstanden zu werden. Übrigens hat info3 den gesamten Dialog wunderbar begleitet, ich fand alles sehr lehrreich und unterhaltsam und möchte auch noch für die heutige Bezugnahme bedanken.
Grüße, Annette

Sonntag, Februar 04, 2007 2:43:00 AM

Annette hat gesagt...
Na ja, meine besten Kommentare wurden bisher alle gelöscht, deshalb traue ich mich nicht mehr was wichtiges zu schreiben. Das da oben habe ich nicht verstanden.
Trotzdem wollte ich noch gesagt haben, daß mir alle Blogs gefallen haben.

Alles Gute, Annette
( All the Best, habe ich in Amerika gelernt )

Sonntag, Februar 04, 2007 6:02:00 PM

terra canaillo hat gesagt...
liebe annette! gelöscht? von dir haben wir nie einen kommentar gelöscht!
gruß, joseph canaillo und tc kronstadt (dieses mal lautzusammen rufend)

Sonntag, Februar 04, 2007 7:49:00 PM

4. Februar 2007 11:02
BORAT Hat gesagt…
Good evening dearest Terra Canillo

Where is Mr. TCK?

Other V.I.P. questschon:

Are Karma and Inkarnation connected?

Story exampel: I drive up to your castle to say hello with whole camerateam of Kashaki TV, I drive over a little doggy. Will I be dog of antropsfy bloghead in next life?

Good you hava Mr. Steinere and not hava drugs!!!
Last night when we were buck thorn trinkin` together with mongolian desert vodka....Boy and Goys I tella you...

Later when you answere me. I lova you Kisses!!!!!!! to all antropsfy blogheads may the naturespirit bless you. You wenta to cool ritschual Menschewiehehndling, Cheistoph, Tera Canaillo and Mr. TCK and you little Misses Jane..

What about you Frau Annette?

Yours frändly rapist



4. Februar 2007 12:25
BORAT Hat gesagt…
Dearest fränds help,

at the moment we no have roof over heads.
last nighta we hada big party as big as Big-Dog.
Me and Mahmoud invited all cleaning ladys of hotel.Drinking vodka witha buck-thornjuice, singing dancing and at end i showed all the cleaning ladys Pamelas book.
later when we we were a singin Kashkstan hymn Mahmoud made campfire on Iranian carpet- I tolda hima be careful.....bum bum electric body of hotel was kaput.
Hotelmanatscher say we hava to walk out hotel.
Whata karma!!¨
So we were waitin for Mr. Spiderman to coma to helpa us, or hero is he here already Mr. Green-little-river?

Coulda youu explaiana to me about wood vilatsch schools are they in woods or in your alternative supermarket?
Whya you not senta childrens to factories to work are they too weak?

Yours frändly .....aäh askin for a hotel you coulda recommend us to stay or we also coulda come to Frau Annette no problem we canna sleep on Iranian carpet in living roo00m.
Pleasa tella us soooon!

Pity Jane was not at party Mahmoud from Afghanistan had good reallly gooood drugs. " How I get insights into higher worlds?" of Mr. Steinere you cana reed very easily.

Hey helpa us I sad without roof over my psyio booty

you desperate BORAT

and MAhmoud Farridh

4. Februar 2007 14:02
Annette Hat gesagt…
Borat, I went online today instead to the Menschenweihehandlung! See terra canaillo/ kronstatt cronix. I hope everything goes well for you for your next incarnation. Also hope to meet you over there! Also everyone else again.

See you then, Annette

4. Februar 2007 15:43
BORAT Hat gesagt…
Gooda morning to you all blogheads of antopsfy tribe,

we no hava hotelroom so we sleepa on field. colda tella youu!
Mahmoud got hurt by cow horn while asleeping in field. It was antropsfy field, whya you puta cowhorn in field when it is full moon?
In cow horn was something lika cocaine you hida your drugs there( you little devils no drugs but Steinere, ha,ha,ha or is it mumbo jumbo magic to maka antropsfy food?
Mahmoud try to smoka powder, try to sniff it i street. Wow we both saw Big_carrot standing in front of us.
Big-carrot and Big-Dog same connection Karma and Inkarnation ?

Your frändly cultural learner and räpist


5. Februar 2007 03:51

Anonym hat gesagt…

Well, Borat! I'm ready for your next questions about the traditions of my tribe!

Go on!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Borat, may I ask you a question?
When did you hear the first time about our tribe?

Anonym hat gesagt…

Dearest lovely Christoph,

When I hearda about antopsfy tribe in this lifetime as journalist of "THENAKEDTRUTH" it was some weeks ago, but I made a remembering reinkarnation therapy and thereby I had pictures of last life. Verry blurry pictures I had, afterwards my fingers hurt, stränschh....
I was the one who had to writa down all lectures of Mr. Steinere, so I was told by leader of this therapy.
Every day I remember more of this.

But helpa Mahmoud still sees big-carrot. He is talking all night to big-carot.
Do you hava antropsfy medicine or clinic?
Do hava a Doctor cominga to terra canaillo/TCK numba 2?
It is emergency!!!!!!!!!!
Is he now drug addict?

your cultural learner from Kasakstan