-Mat Gundo reportz - The situation in Djermanistan is lita bit bad if you hava otha colored skin. Let us think about those peoplez who have been beaten anda killed because they have otha skin-color, or, simply because they were different.
In Djermanistan, still there ara peoplez, who hava great difficulties with colourz. They are kind of colourblind, they only see a white, anda, interesting, shit-brown. Those peoplez mostly go, after leaving their boring adolescent homez, in groupz where they can howl togetha, like wolfz, anda hearing tapes anda viewingz filmz of the great Djermanistan comedian anda Hyper-Asshole Adolf H. anda his asshole friendz. Adolf H. tried a few timez to matriculate on an Academy of Art, but he was too bad, and so he could not learn to handle different kindz of colourz, he only could think in whites anda shit-browns anda, we think so, he had only erectionz by viewing blonde girlz wit blue eyez. He was a big disease for Djermanistan. It is already longtime ago that mister Hyper-Asshole killed himself, thiz was, I think, the best thing he did in his whole life. But, the disease goes further, till now in 2007, peoplez in Djermanistan likes what he said and what his murderz did in his 1000 year-go-back-kingdom. Today such peoplez ara organised, as we told above, in litta kind of 'Wolf-groupz', beating anda killing foreignerz, mostly if they have otha colour, and wenn those Hyper-Asshole fanz get lita bit older, they go into the Neostupid Party of Djermanistan (NPD). The Neostupidz are part of Djermanistan democracy, but in fact they don't want democracy. Thiz is a paradox! If in Uribistan you maka political party by following the democratic rulez and lawz, but in your programm anda speech, you do not follow them, but being contrary, it does not take long, anda your pseudo-party is forbidden anda personz become new education in democracy, peoplez lawz, etc. If thiz does not work, you go in Uribi Desert to look for the desertsheeps anda -goatz. Maybe you hava enlightenment anda becomez otha political ideas. But in Uribistan, this never happened, it is not necessary. I think here in Djermanistan it is hard necessary to do something, lika in Uribistan in such case we would do, meanwhile, to much people think like Neostupidz Party of Djermanistan. We have few videoz abhout Neostupidity anda about the Party, which we will show you. It is interesting to see the perception in Djermanistan anda to hear the Neostupidz witha their own wordz.
3 Kommentare:
Also ich würde einen Antifawall bauen lassen, es ist etwas schwierig wo die Grenze verläuft, auch die Wessis sind
Führungstreu. Mauern bauen ist ja wieder en vogue seit der Friedensengel Ariel Sharon seinen Antipawal bauen liess. Unbedingt lernen von Israel!!
Zweitens braucht es so jemanden wie Franz Josef Srausss der die braune Sosse in seine Organisationismus verdrückt und in demokratische Gefilde integriert.
"Mauern bauen ist ja wieder en vogue seit der Friedensengel Ariel Sharon seinen Antipawal bauen liess."
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Da staunste Wilbur wat. Antipawal ist
ein aus Stein gemeisselter Wal der in der Negev Wüste ausgestellt ist...so als Zeichen und so...ich glaube von Aktion Sühnezeichen oder so... ist ja auch egal...Hauptsache Zeichen setzen in der Schlacht der Deutungshoheit oder..
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