Mai 14, 2007

New fine giftz for Ascension Day!

mg reports - dear readerz! we promised you to present other fine Jesusdolls as a gift for Ascension Day! As you know, in the West of Europe, I thinka mostly in Tshermany, peoplez cannot handle anymore this DAy. They are so damned Materialistix that they cannot Imagine anymore the real Ascension of the Holy Son into the Heavenz! Therafore it isa very good that Ruud Steiner broughta Anthropsfy to the Peoplez of the West, to relearn what it is to Ascend to the Heavenz. In his speachez on Easter & Ascension on March 27. & May 7th, you can read a lot about thiz! Someone gave me this conversationz in a little booky - printed in 1958, it is a called: 'Der Ostergedanke - Die Himmelfahrtsoffenbarung und das Pfingstgeheimnis'. Happy timez with it! This is Gift 1!
The second Gift is a for all those peoplez (males) who cannot believe anymore this stuff, anda are in their thoughtz to stupid to gain new knowledge. They changed Ascension Day in 'Fatherday'. It isa one of the most stupid Inventionz I know. On that day you can see them, hangin' around in groupz, and a getting drunk & becoming bestial. Not capable to hava spiritual Experiencez. For those we hava nica Jesus Doll, he also looka little bit drunk - so they can identify themselves with Him, and remember, yes, it really is Ascension Day, in the Moment the Doll flies high in the Heavenz (special Ascension Mechanizm!). They get shocked!

Hera it is:

and the description: 11" soft, this cuddly Jesus plushy comes with a "W.W.I.D." (What Would I Do?) wristband. Ascension Propelling (about 10 Feet High Airglide)
details: weight 1.00 lbs price: $ 15.89
Happy Times!

5 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Les ich die echte Himmelfahrtsoffenbarung werde ich immer ein wenig traurig genauso ergeht es mir mit dem Männchen, kann auch nicht exakt sagen warum. Was soll ich nur machen ?!?

Anonym hat gesagt…

Stuff for Free.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Lieber Mat, warum bist du nur immer so traurg? Ich wünsche Dir daß du auch ohne Alkohol wieder auf die Höhe kommst! Liebe und Aufmerksamkeit scheinst du auch sehr zu brauchen. Zur Aufheiterung

Hoffentlich schaffst du deinen Aufbau in die Schweiz

M(ar)at Gundo Tchundyk hat gesagt…

Deara annetta!
1) I'm NOT sad!
2) I'm NOT downy & NEVERA drink alcohol!
3) Lova & ATtention isa good for every Human being!
4) If you meana The Shaman Section on the Goetheaum, yes I hope it works. Buta I've no other 'Aufbaus' in Switzerland! Greetinx, yours Mat.

Anonym hat gesagt…

1) Traurigkeit ist ein gutes Gefühl insofern gerechtfertigt. Traurigkeit ist besser als gespielte Freude. Wir dürfen traurig sein. Daher meine Frage.
2) Sorry. Ich wollte echt nicht deine Gefühle verletzen.
3) I see Ulfat Gigili and the other Guy looking down from the frame! Are they the ones who build up this section on the Goetheanum? Perhaps they know some magic for Goodliving with your real relatives. So sadness goes away all by itself as well. Do not forget Whitsuntide! A Holy Day in the most various cultures.

Thank you for coming over to my domain, Mat! It is always a pleasure to meet you. I'm always going to host you if needed!
