Oktober 29, 2007

Congratulationz to Egoist Tribe anda Comixtranzlation

- Mat Gundo reportz - Dearezt Readerz of both sexes! We hope you are still enjoying singing with us about camelz anda about girlz on camelz anda about freaky banditz trying to kidnap girlz on camelz, anda ofcourse also singing with us about Zeroes.
But now, something else: today we could read that Micelle Eggert from great Egoist Triba has received special Anthropsfy Sphärus prize! We maka big congratulationz to you! This price he became from Our Uribi Ambassador, Mister Christoph Goy. Before in thiz year prize was given to sweet AOEA girl anda to friendz of Terra Canaillo.
Some timez ago, Micelle Eggert said to us, we can also maka Uribi english tranzlation of his wellknown famouz Comix. We began with it, and finished it today. That's Karma! Just enjoy thiz tranzlated comix, singin' along - to maka comix more bigga, just klicka on it!

Oktober 27, 2007

Camel Love

- mat gundo reportz - Below, Murat gave impressionating list of numberz of our visitorz from all over the Worldz. Hello India, Hello Emirates, Hello Djermanistan, Hello Worldz! Now you can say: hé, but I don't see any Uribi readerz! They are included in 'Network' above. If we began in Uribistan with new telephon, telegraph anda now internet connectionz, American expertz fixed Uribi net. Anda here in Uribistan: telephonating anda internetting, until now, are free.
Yes, there are lot of thingiez in Uribistan, dear readerz, you don't know - here you can learn them. For example our 'thumbgreeting'. On your reactionz we could see, it was very new to you, anda, peoplez, be sure, it has nothing to do with Bayrisch 'fingerhäkeln', or something like thiz.
Now, after big party for our great canaillo-friend mister Kronstadt (I think, soon he wil writa about Uribistan on his Canaillo site, with nice picz of Uribi landscapez and Murat), we turn to normal Uribi life.
And here is something for you to hear: the Uribi song Camel Love. You must know, in Uribistan it is very high pleasure to ride on back of camel. If you hava Camel you are rich. If you hava two Camelz you ara more rich, and so on. But, to ride on Camel with your pretty girlfriend it is very very high pleasure. Anda very very very high pleasure is to sing about riding with most pretty girlfriend on back of Camel. Now, our song Camel Love is about this. The original is ofcourse in high Uribi speach. But we tranzlated it, to maka Uribi Culture very known in whole world. If you hear text, you may notice thiz song was from Uribi Highlandz, joking about guyz from Lowlandz, anda also joking about mystic bandits from mystic Blowlandz. Now, everybody singz this song, also Lowland guyz (Murat, haha). In this verzion I'm singing, the music is made by Uribistan Harmony Urcheztra (UHU). UHU = Machmout, Aleyev, Farrid, Tharuwat, anda ofcourse Uribi Friend Murat. Just enjoy it!

Soon we hava 20 000 Klicks

Dearest lovely womäns and mans, Antropsfy blogheads and Non Antropsfy blogheads,
since April we hava Uribistan Daily. We learna froma you and you learna froma us. A beautiful symbiotic relation. We lova you all!!!!
Now some facts, List of visitor nations on 27th ofa October 2007 ( The first thirty of coursa there are more)
net Netzwerk Netzwerk 7072
com Kommerziell Kommerziell 2388
de Deutschland Deutschland 1129
ch Schweiz Schweiz 985
at Österreich Österreich 743
ca Kanada Kanada 339
in Indien Indien 323
be Belgien Belgien 308
au Australien Australien 197
fi Finnland Finnland 178
uk England England 175
nl Niederlande Niederlande 147
edu Bildung Bildung 120
gr Griechenland Griechenland 78
mx Mexiko Mexiko 65
br Brasilien Brasilien 58
it Italien Italien 57
no Norwegen Norwegen 55
pl Polen Polen 50
fr Frankreich Frankreich 48
se Schweden Schweden 47
pt Portugal Portugal 42
dk Dänemark Dänemark 39
id Indonesien Indonesien 37
ae Ver. Arab. Emirate Ver. Arab. Emirate 36
pk Pakistan Pakistan 35
sa Arabische Emirate Arabische Emirate 35
org Organisation Organisation 34
my Malaisia Malaisia 33
za Südafrika Südafrika 29

Thänx and Magash to the world of Uribistan Daily Readers! Pleasa say what you want or nota wanta in these comments. Ifa you wanta to advertise here pleasa geta in contact with us! You could be on top, be ahead your future advertise now. Yearly rates, monthly rates and weekly rates. Let us heckle the right price for you.
From the editorial team Yours frändly Murat Tchundyk

Oktober 26, 2007

Viziting Uribistan!

-mat gundo reportz- We hava nice dayz now: it is cold but very sunny, anda wheatherwoman is back on station! It is great day to say welcome to one of our Uribi-Blog fathaz, TC Kronstadt, having kinda of birthday today, anda for firzt time in life visiting with super gorgeous Jane the wide anda beautiful landz of The Free anda Everyoung Republic of Uribistan! We had already lida Camelride in mountainz anda visiting olda church in Uribi Highlandz. TC Kronstadt also could join us in the Uribi National Studios, anda saw birth of some songz made by me and Murat anda Uribi Harmony Urcheztra. Ofcourse, they ara only firzt ideas brought on cd, but nice for our readerz to hear - so you ara not only readerz anda viewerz, but also listenerz. Anda today, we ara making with Jane and TC K big Uribi party on farm of Murat, witha lotz of music anda dancing. In the middle of cowz anda sheep anda goatz anda his, allready almost harvested, Anauh Iram fieldz, we will hava fun with the whole village. On picture you see Murat anda TCK making old traditional Shamash greeting. Shamash greeting is originally only for men. The strength of the thumb, how thick, long anda how topping-out they are, says lotz about virility and potency of men. Both guyz mada good Shamash! The pic is made by gorgeous Jane. Let us dance (you can dance on music below: 'Zeroes of Light')!

Oktober 24, 2007

Zeroes of the light

"Zeroes ofa light" bei Zabim
We donta know whicha Foersterliesl isa righta one. So Mat and Murat mada Song for all Foersterliesls, buta also for all interested peoples. You canna hear Mat singin, pleasa singa along if you are Zero of the light, too
Mat and Murat wishing you a big MAGASH!

Oktober 17, 2007

" 500 Neger, Goethe und eine Brasilianerin" LITERATURRÄTZEL

" (...) Und nun darf ich ja auch beifügen, warum ich nicht mehr ins Damencafé gehen darf. Eine ( Frau )* präsentierte mir dort unter den Klängen einer verführerischen Musik auf einem Teller den jungen Goethe. Da er mir in solchem Zappelzustand unwahrscheinlich erschien, lehnte ich ihn ab. Der jugendliche Goethe eine Marionette, eine Puppe, danke! Aber diese Verfehlung wäre noch hingegeangen, es erschien da aber eines Tages eine der schönsten jungen Frauen, die ich je in meinem Leben sah, eine Brasilianerin, mit der ich mich, da sie sich zu mir gesetzt hatte, in ein Gespräch verknüpfte. Sie sagte mir, sie besässe fünfhundert Neger. Da ich an diese Neger und an all ihren pünktlichen Gehorsam nicht glauben wollte, nannte sie mich einen Baueren, und zwar laut genug, dass es die gesamte werte Angesammeltheit, die aus einem Prachtstrauss von weiblichen Zierden bestand, hörte. Ich war vernichtet. Halbpatziger Goethekenntnis, die diesem Dichter als Verbeugungsmännlein und aus nichts als Artigkeit bestehend nehmen will, und meinem Widerstand gegenüber leichtschürzeliger Afrikaauffassung verdanke ich die Verbannung aus den Zirkeln der Eleganz. Ich trinke jetzt mein Glas Bier in der unteren Stadt und befinde mich wohl dabei. (...)"
* wurde aus Rätzelgründen verändert
Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, liebe Antropsfyblogheads und Nicht- Antropsfyblogheads
in unserem heutigen Literaturrätzel wollen wir den Namen des Autors und den Namen des Romans.
Namhafte Anthroposophen wollten ihn nach Dornach holen,doch vergeblich, vielleicht gefiel ihm ja die leichtschürzelige Afrikaauffassung der Anthroposophen nicht, dass er eine Karriere am Goetheanum ablehnte. Aber nicht nur Anthroposophen interessierten sich für ihn,sondern auch die amerikanischen Filmemacher die Coenbrüder ( Big Lebowski, Brother where art thou?, die in den 90er Jahren versuchten Literatur dieses Mannes zu verfilmen. Leider kam nie etwas für den Zuschauer dabei heraus. Aber irgendwo in den Archiven der Coenbrüder müsste es noch Material über dieses Projekt geben.
Wie heisst der Autor und wie heisst der Roman aus dem hier zitiert wurde?
Ihr Herrmann Finkelsteen

Oktober 15, 2007

-Mat Gundo reportz-In deep South-East of our beloved country Uribistan we found lost gang of some terrorizt talibanz. Ofcourse our great USA* (Uribistan Secret Army, with his great director Leah Cim Tregge) could stop this gang, arrested them all anda found some interesting terrorizt learning stuff! Here we present one important video made for education of bad guyz!

* a nice picture of our great USA, with free permission by our administration, you can find here on thiz very investigative blog of the undercover Beatagentz with chief Dr. Sumbolle! Here we see some special agentz in official uribi-gouvernment car (see also here) on secret mission in Djermanistan.

Oktober 12, 2007

Fahrn, Fahrn, Fahrn auf der AUTOBAHN

Why is ita that Djermanistan is so crazy abouta AUTOBAHNS? Grrrrrrosssse Ferkerrrsstrassssen, Schlagaderrrrrrn des Ferkerrs.
Yours frändly Murat
Get your soundtrack for the heavy AUTOBAHN discussions in djerman TV and in antropsfy world and elsewhere.
Hardcore Autobahnisten go pleasa to this strange djerman folk music band. Here you canna see how evil 68ers(for our americain readers this is nota basketballteam lika the 76ers, buta generation with long hairs, beards and druggies) destroy the Autobahn of austrian Big Leader of Djermanistan, nota only dida they destroy family values no they also destroyed merciless djermanistans favourite darling. Now I know why Eva Hermann, Green-little-River and Happy Beater are so angry witha 68ers.

Oktober 10, 2007

Murat Tchundyk celebrates 800 years of Dschelaladin Rumi

Magash and peace on earth!!!
Yours frändly Murat Tchundyk

Oktober 09, 2007

nice shaman workingz with women giving total complete orgasm!

- mat gundo reportz - Dearezt readerz in Americanistan, Europistan anda lotz of readerz anda viewerz in India! Hello! Hello! In dayz before you could read lotz of thingiez about new lawz, about haremz anda bourquinis, anda good festivalz in Uribi Highlandz, free anda everyoung! Today we show you very special happening with one of our great Shamanz, master in Kamel Sutré, and how he gives women totaly complete orgasm! Look at it, but CAUTION: DON'T DO THIZ WITH YOUR WIFE(S) ANDA GIRLFRIEND(S) IF YOU DON'T HAVE 15th DEGREE AND HIGHER IN SPECIAL ESOTERIC KAMEL SUTRÉ PRACTICE !! THERE CAN BE GREAT RISK OF DEATH OR SEVERE INJURY! But if you hava 15th degree and more, you can give all women the most absolute thrill of their today's life!

Oktober 07, 2007

Bourquini Modern Style

- mat gundo reportz- In article below, my Uribi Brotha Murat thinks being very modern, with hiz bourquinis. Wenn you follow link in article you find a lot of variationz of this oldfashioned bathsuit. For Murat these dayz are hard: he must close his harem anda sell Annette girl. Modern world is coming also in conservative and staying-on-moon-thinkings mindz of peoplez in Mid- and Low-Uribistan. Brotha Murat thinks I'm to much influenced by internet, but the truth, it is, in the Uribi Highlandz we have been allways modern peoplez, with rights for men anda women. Since thousandz of yearz we practize Kamel Sutré, we have in our big Jamala Sea 2 timez a year the great Wan-Dû shamanic festival, a highly serious festival, but is with lotz of humour anda absolute highlight is naked mass-diving in Jamala Sea, for inner anda outer purification. We don't hava any problemz witha nudeness anda natural men anda women interactionz as frustrated fundamentaliztic peoplez have. From time to time, now, as Uribistan again is a great and free republic, peoplez from the Mid- and Lowlandz come to us. And they are so full of silly complexes! Terrible! Therefore we created special bourquinis. They are bourquini, but litta bit nicer anda with more happiness and fantasy! Lika the one here (with Annette girl!): those bourquinis give more air anda freedom and make women (anda ofcourse also men) more happy!

Bourquinis for sale

Dearest lovely female antropsfy blogheads,
please wear bourquinis ifa you coma to Uribistan in a holidays. Mats fantasy is westernized by too much internet surfin. Ifa you wanta order your bourquini on line click here.
Yours frändly moda designer Murat
P.S. Please Mat looka that your ladies are wearin bourquinis in your free swinging parlour. Otherwise I feel obliged to phone up Mullah Ratziniu in Uribi Midlands.

Uribi Eurythmix in the Army Fitness Studio

Our uribian army integrated Eurythmix in their training as you canna see!
By the way the 55 goats from my cousin were all sick and died of the dangerous Uribi virus 5vioKld.

Oktober 05, 2007

Message from our Homelandz Ministry of the Interior to: Tchundyk, Tzjop & Ambassador

- Mat Gundo reportz- Dearezt readerz! The Minister of the Interior, and the chairman of the Uribi Secret Army (Leah Cim Tregge), they let me write following thingiez: with the beginningz of 2008, it is official forbidden in the whole Free and Ever Young Republic of Uribistan to maka merchandise, selling and buying of women. Women are also free individual human beingz! (comm. Mat Gundo: as they were during all timez known history in the Uribi Highlandz - thiz kinda terror againzt women only was in Mid- anda Lowlandz, which were under sowjet-rulez anda also more islamic).

We know, that this kind of social behaviour is very olde, and also peoplez have their money dealing with this! There are olde familiez, who has great skills in merchandising anda trading with women, lika great Tzjop family anda their enterprise "Family Tradingz anda Merchandisez". Halim Tzjop, the present director, in thiz moments makes business with Murat Tchundyk, our great correspondent of The Daily. Mister Tchundyk now takes one great step in modern timez, and he gives freedom to all wifez in harem. Mista Tzjop now lika to maka business with one special wife, Annette girl, to sell her to our Ambassador in Berlin (if he still wantz). This can be very interesting business! Now, the ministry gives one opportunity to Mista Tzjop, to buy anda sell. Mista Tzjop can buy anda sell Annette till 31th of December. Afterwardz it's illegal, and Mizta Tzjop goes in jail.

To the official start of the auction we present to all interested peoplez (also mista Tzjop, after you can have all rightz) two pics of Annett - one is Annette with spectaclez, one without. She did not want to open the Burka, we are sorry. But enjoy it and give your opinion and ofcourse money!).

NEW: Important Newz from our Ambassador In Berlin! He send us new picz of Annette. Look also here!

We are very proud to publish one pic of our Ambassador on our site (below) , it's swimming pool szene with burka!

Dear readerz, give your price!

Oktober 02, 2007

Ein Prosit auf die djerman Gmuetligkeit

Dearest lovely djerman Antropsfy Blogheads,
First I wanna congratulate you to your Great Djermanistan and to your good beer. I wasa secretly in Oktoberfest ains swei trei gsufa, although it isa ramadan, buta Allah didnt see. Hey that wasa greät and great fun as you canna see. This brass bands they really blow you outa of your shoes. Greät, buta the most I loved that choir and the kinda ofa yodeling.Beautiful lika angels.
I also wanta to congratulate, that you are World Campions in Soccer no not your boys buta your girls. Why donta you fiddled around witha your flags? You lika boys more than girls? Anyway I hada short and pleasant stay in your beautiful country Bavaria and Greater Djermanistan. Tomorrow isa your birthday 3. Oktober isnt ita? Happy birthday to all Djerman souls and Greater Djermanistan!
Yours frändly Murat