Juni 14, 2007

Walking lika Jesus on Waters!

-mg reportz- Dear Readerz! On the bloggy of our friendz Josy Canaillo anda TC Kronstadt, we can see now film of mister Theo Van Gogh, descendant of the famous Vincent. Mister Theo did lot of funny thingz in life, being very individual anarchizt. Not all of his jokez are só very good - few of them ara more on level from otha Dutchman, the former Rudolf Carrell, as he did the trick with the underwear. Ofcourse thiz is littabit lowclass joking, but the reactionz of the Fat Catz in Iran were also very lowclass. Mister Carrel had to hida himself few dayz, lika kind of little Salman Rushdie. We think in our world people has to decide themself, they make good or bad jokes, and to maka joke you can choose every subject! The motion picture of Van Gogh made about islamic woman is not a joke. It is very serious, and it will taka long time before it will change islamic view on women. But it is a beginning! On the little motion picture you see below, you will see Theo Van Gogh also having magical powerz! He is a lika Jesus walking on the waterz, anda making blessingz like Bene XVI. It is not a finished motion picture, but are only few shotz to make film of it. By the way: therefore no chriztian wanted to kill him...

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Anonym hat gesagt…

Der Theo Van Gogh wandert Überwasser vom Nachbardorf zu uns nach Haus.