Januar 04, 2009

Bin Laden caught

Dearst lovely Anthropsfyblogheads and the rest of the world,
you all were wondering where I was. I hada to be very secretive since all the important peoples in Uribistan were on a secret mission. I ama so glad to tella you all THE MISSION IS ACCOMPLISHED we got the guy! Witha little magix of Mat Gundo our national shaman hero and Herrmann Finkelsteen who pushed forward a fake revolution anda Chök Hak ( idonta know the guy) we succeeded in catching the rogue who terrorized the world. We the Uribi Peoples put an end to it. I ama proud and we are all lookin forward to the Gold and Diamonds we claim asa reward from Mr. President Bush. It is our goodbye present for his very successful presedency. Now we live ina much more secure world. A big thank you Mr. President.
Magash to you all!
Yours Murat Joy Tchundyk
P.S. Mat Gundo our national hero willa report on the catch in more detail very soon. He isa still celebrating. Bush trusted in the axis of good peoples of Uribistan

2 Kommentare:

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Bin Laden im Hühnerstall!
Gebt ihm ein Schinkenbrot!

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