Dearezt readerz! You might hava read our last post below, about all viewingz of The Daily in wide worldz. We did thiz afta post from Egoizt Tribe about
'Angeben' is a djerman word, anda it means something lika
'boasting' or
'acting up' or
'putting on the dog'. Well, in our great Uribi language we don't hava word for thiz! We hava something lida bit in thiz direction, if you tranzlate it, it is lika:
he is a five dayz pussyjumper. Ofcourse, for you people in rest of world, thiz expression is totally nutz anda strange. But if we say thiz to someone, well, he knows what is happening in the room, anda putz his hat deep over his earz anda eyez anda goes away! Okay, maybe it is something very different from
'angeben'. Sorry.
But today! Today, we lika also to maka
angeben! We
angeben you site from google in Arabic internet space (ofcourse thiz is great space, much bigga as djerman space. Yes,
angeben!) Anda in thiz special big great space we are NUMBER ONE if you giva following wordz: sexy djerman! Here it is! We can
angeben too! Overstreamingz!