Juli 20, 2007
Go on a short holiday
Dear lovely Antropsfy blogheads,
are you at home and it isa hot, you hava to worka and your partner is away telling you: Hey babe I neda time on my own to sort myself outa some kinda of that shit please relaxa now and meeta Tony Sinclair.
Are you away and you canta go to beach because the sand isa lika hot glowing coals and you are surrounded by red pink pigeaters, kiddies are screaming, beautiful womaens are only interested in their handies and not in you. You couldnt sleep because the neighbours were hardfucking all night and your stomach isa burning becausa ofa straensch meal and your money isa disaappearing really fast and anyway you justa wanta hava fun holidays.... relaxa now go on adventure with Tony sinclair in the cooolness of pC screen.
Yours fraendly Murat
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22 Kommentare:
Na ja tut mir echt leid wegen all der Jugenderfahrungen.
Das mit den Beginen wurde wohl nicht ganz verstanden, wir machen hier keine Witze.
Ich geb ja zu, ich simse zuviel. Ich find dich aber trotzdem schöner als mein Handy.
Damengesellschaft? Dann trifft eben Tony Sinclair auf Tom Selleck. Wer wird denn so streng sein.
Ja hallo, wie geht`s? Da bin ich wieder. Lass uns doch die ollen Stories endlich begraben. Lust auf`n Abendspaziergang?
liebe Annette,
Ende August gibts ein Beginentreffen, dresscode in der Einladung, lieben Gruß!
dear patient Murat,
is uribi crew on hollydays, only you have to stay home and endure patiently heat and commenters? We do not know any remedy to calm intense longing, for chilling we recommend Weleda/Hauschka Citrus and Lavender bath oils and airy watery airs from Erik Satie and Debussy and watermelon diet to pacify offended intestines.
Walk well!
Dearest ladies,
yes I hava to worka here whila Mat having good time refining the art of flying and Kamel Sutre. I hava to work ona Blogbeast trap. With some scientists of hamasheyk Institute ofa biological Cybernetics. They wanta me to guard our Uribi blog and catcha the Blogbeast. At the moment it isa at Green little river blog trying to eat dead fishes. I nota understanda it isa straensch. How on earth isa Blogbeast comin from green little river blog to our blog I mean there are worlds in between. Anyway I really pissed off hangin around here. Pity that you Foersterliesl, Jane and Annette are nota here we coulda hava loka together at Pamelas book to explaina me western sexuality...
One of the scientists said maybe Blogbeast is Pamela... hahaha... justa to seta me to worka. Uribi style ofa workmotivation.
We donta know whether blogbeast female or male... ha life so complicated my ladies...
so I think the trap is finished...the first mongolian desrt vodka bottle popped...
Yours fraendly Murat
dear Murat,
first have a sundowner; sexuality is selfexplicatory, Annette and me are Beginen mit Haube! No sex no sports! How about shaman support for fixing blogbeast? After having eaten little green rivers homilies it will be dazed and you can trap it in your bottle like a djinn, for scientific support ask nerone, he read feyerabend and wont refuse shamanistic astral journeys.
bye! Försterliesel
Dearest lovely Foersterliesl,
by Allah you think Blogbeast will geta poisened by Green little rivers blog? Oh my God we wanta hava hima alive to maka research.
We musta save blogbeast buta how. If blogbeast is starting to internalise words by ex hero it is going to die probably.
Anyway who is goin to helpa?
By the way I was justa suggestin to read Pamelas book and discuss it, buta okay be Beginen... justa idea ona hot Uribi night.
Dearest lovely Antropsfy blogheads,
we appreciate Green little River he inspired and encouraged our National Ghost. When we say Blogbeast will be poisened, it is not because blog is bad, no the opposite. Blogbeast coma from the axis of evil ( we assume) and it gota trapped in the axis of good (Green little rivers blog). Buta please we need Blogbeast alive to fully scrutinise it. So we will hava more knowledge of the astral world.
I hopa you all understanda.
Yours fraendly Murat
dear Murat,
no, blogbeast wont be poisoned, just bored, will yawn and cuddle with baby boa constrictor and finally fall asleep - then you can fetch it! For scrutinizing get experts of demonology (maybe an exorcist from Passau university, another from Fribourg and a lama, oh and not to forget: anthro hardliners from Bodensee region). Axis of good is cold coffee for Liesels, but hot stuff for boys from deutsche Provinz. -- Everybody seems to be on hollydays - how about h.h. ambassador? Keep him watching TV, beware hes gonna meet his Suha al Tawil!
Have a nice sunday, dear Murat!
Dearest Foersterliesl,
how did you know? The blogbeast fella a sleep ona Greenlittle river blog and now? The beasttrap is a construction which a works only in our Uribi blog.
I willa talk to scientists of Hamasheyk. How do I geta i contacta witha Hardliebr Antropsfyst at ground Lake?
i WISHA MAT WASA HERE HE KNOWS how to deal with this supernatural powers.
Mat helpa!!!!
Yours Murat
Dear Murat,could you see if blogbeast looks like Pan with little horns on its head? Does it play the flute? Pan is active at noon, when the sun is high and while its very hot, he likes nasty jokes to frighten people, is a bit oversexed and he falls asleep at dawn. He somehow suits little green rivers chtonic Kunstbegriff, perhaps he will stay in his blog and become a Hausgeist there ?
do not worry, dear Murat!
..oh, and how I knew? Neues Hellsehen, my dear Murat! Attained at last summers enlightenment retreat. And now I know we met before, mein lieber Horusknabe.
Bussi! Mama (now Försterliesel)
Dearest lovely Bussi Mama,
by Allah, this cant be true. Is it you who got enlightened up to 500 Watt and the roof of your skull opened to attain direct contacta with the devine and this all for 200 eURO ALL INCLUSIVE. Yes we both discovered that your were my mama in egyptian incarnation whila i hada to worka for Pharao as Horus boy readin him books of Aphrodie ( some Kinada of Pamela in those days) How are you skull roof still open?
Magash and big kissas for you Mama! Where do live now, still in Austria?
Now we hava to catcha Blogbeast before it geta deleted again.
Yours fraendl Murat
Murat-Horus, my dear,
what a mother-and-child reunion! Thanx to enlightenment (to readers: try it too, its cheap, quick and easy!)I was so proud of you, cause you learnt reading those difficult hyroglyphes so quickly! Because of this pride my present reincarnation is a rather humble one in Austria, come and visit me, Mummy is gonna cook for you Sachertorte, Linzertorte, Apfelstrudel, Millirahmstrudel, Salzburger Nockerln and Wiener Schnitzerln or fusion cuisine - as you like it! Do I have grandchildren ? I have to hide my identity to avoid trouble, cause there is a lot Isis cultus in GB and amongst feminists, some elderly spinster claims being Isis reborn, but its me, ME, and you are my proof! Besides: my os parietale is still a bit sensible and I always have to wear a hat like Beuys did!
It seems little green river and blogbeast match and like each other! Thats fine, now he has his own blogbeing: little Pan.
hugs & kisses!
mummy (Försterliesel)
I am totally Tanquerayed now!
Dearest Antropsfy blogheads,
wow that went fast to geta blogbeast here. It is tanquerayed full loaded.
Next step, we will put my laptop into poopyfield wait for fullmoon and catcha Blogbeast there.....
Drop outa and stay tuned!
Dearest Bussi mummy,
I ama speechlesss.....
buta Austria is so far.....
( Now remembering rebirthing analysis)
Hallo hallo!?
What the heck is now the plan with I.B.?
Dearest Christoph,
we willa wait till full moon, as reported above and then I willa puta lap top in poppy field adn then I willa catcha I.B.
Then I.B. will be senta through the scanner tomographic tube and we willa know on hand ofa the DNA and bone structure where it coma froma also we canna then soften up the Astral concentration by bringin it together with HICKLUSSAR.
Be patient and finda HICKLUSSAR!!!
Yours frändly Murat
By the way we hava Full moon verry soon. In some days.
Yours frändly Murat
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