April 04, 2007

Apply for a lifetime GREENCARD in Uribistan

In the 13th century Uribistan appeared for the last time on the maps, then it mysteriously dissappeared, but we kept our folktradition, our music, our literature, our religion and our independency. We got swallowed by Mongols, Communists, Capiatalists and now by Antropsfy.
However Antropsfy provides us with FREEDOM. Thank you all for helping us to understanda Mr. Steinere. Now we offer you s.th. in return.
APPLY NOW for GREENCARD in order to work here. We desperatley need Eurythmix teachers, Mahmoud wants only female teachers, and mumbo jumbo Bio dynamix. We need heroes with broad shoulders, no "heldchen" lika Green-little-River. Maybe he cana open Sauna parlours with his hirarichacal structures.
Enjoy working and leisuring in URIBISTAN be a part of our community of Kasakhi Sistas and Brothers try to make out of URIBISTAN a blooming country. ( you call it Bluhende Landschaften) We also need kids for our Childrenfactories, no cheese faced, heavy weighted PC kids you generate in the West or we therapise them in our children factories. Work is the road to Freedom. The Djermans put that over their leisure camps some years ago isn`t that so?
Anyway if you are interested to participate in our boom country just writa your interest in the comments.
TNT- The Ministry of Immigration of Uribistan, Aleyv Tybal *click pic and find Uribistan

5 Kommentare:

Murat Tchundyk hat gesagt…

Dearest lovely Annette,
are you Jane?
Is she Eurythmix magician, even female?
Yours frändly Murat

Anonym hat gesagt…

na, da hast du es...pseudo-janes...

Murat Tchundyk hat gesagt…

Dearest Antropsfy blogheads,
I ama very confuseda!
So you want to apply?
Yours frändly Murat

Murat Tchundyk hat gesagt…

Dear Jane and Annette,
so you want to apply.
Please writa you Passportnumber,
and send a blood sample to this address

Institute for biological Cybernetics
164 Mohammed Aktar Rd.
Hamasheyk PO. 109

We just do a little race check!!!
Yours frändly Aleyv Tybal Ministry for Uribistan Immigration

Anonym hat gesagt…

Noch'n Test! Aber bitte. Wenns die Bürokratie reduziert.
