August 09, 2009


We are very pleased in this difficult, but victorious and historical days, to welcome mister Bill Clinton (former american president) and some of his helpers. He spoke with Trung Lâ about lots of essentials. We show official picture here, also in background on the right mister Fak Hue. Please note:
-The Cuckoo-revolution is over! Everybody with Cuckoo-signs, walking naked on the streets, will be arrested!

-Gay-men, with length more as 3 meters, have to maka visit in our former Department of Security. Now called Department of Perpetuous Victory. We ask you to collaborate with our New People'S Council. Chök Hak time is over!
-Tourists, still here, can go back in their countrty, telling about the great advantages we make in our New State! Those, who like to stay, can help uswith 1) money 2) working in goat-farms 3) in Anauh Iram fields. You help us very much, telling us, were we can find Kamel Sutré- and Cuckoo-minded people, so we can help them. You can receive great reward for this! WARNING: THIS POST IS NOT FROM MAT GUNDELJEW (his real name)! IN A FEW DAYS WE WILL CHANGE ALL ITEMS ON THE URIBISTAN DAILY! FAK HUE, SPECIAL SUPERVISOR

3 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Na hier sieht's vielleicht trostlos aus. Fordert mich richtig heraus das Gegenteil zu tun was ihr verlangt.
Hat das Verbot irgendwas mit der FL zu tun?

Foersterliesel hat gesagt…

liebe Maurulam,

nein, hat nix mit mir zu tun!

Das habt Ihr ganz toll hingekriegt, atmosphärisch, einen politischen turn darzustellen, man kann sich richtig in die armen Menschen einfühlen die mit solch wechselnder Herrschaft ihr Leben fristen müssen,
Notstand,Kriegsrecht, Ausnahmezustand. Müssen schon einzelne Gruppen ein diskriminierendes Abzeichen tragen?
und die coole Missis Trung La, olala....
so, jetzt zu AOEA geschaut...

Michel Gastkemper hat gesagt…

I believe Mrs Clinton has a problem with this too. Or is she just lost in translation? See for example
(Wordverification: sypeer)