April 26, 2007


TNT reports live now- Murat dida do the promised advertisment for best blog in special blogosphere: Aoea . He propoposes to the fidels among you that differentiate from the infidels to unite in joint venture projects which lets the World wide community of bloggers progress in their developement and spiritual growth. Find a blog you wanta integrate in your world let the Selfpraise smell together to heavenly heights wuthering heights of Uribistan.

April 24, 2007

mat gundo found cultural learninx: germany

I founda this cultural learninx on the way in Tschermany. From an artistic, pictural and intellectual side of viewing, this documentary is not so exiting good and professional. But if you see this documentary, it can makes you feel sad, seeing those extreme stupid nazi-guys, who speak about 'niggers' and wanna let us believe black people are behind-the-woods. It makes you feel sad, if you see how they destroyed the life of Mister Noel Martin. It makes you feel sad if you hear the stupid talk of the inhabitants of the town... But it makes you feel lucky if you see the power of this man, which, in the last ten years, is able only to move his head. In the last ten years he created a foundation and fought against racism. This year he wanna die, and he hopes to becoma a new life. We can say, sure you will become a new life, Mister Martin, and we hope that you willa be soon reincarnated, even if you, in a certain way, wanna put an end to your life. Why it could not be possible that in the regular lifetime here auf earth you will hava, one day, a miracle makes you going again. Why not? That's what we believe, the people from uribistan.


Hamasheyk Institue for biological Cybernetics reports- Murats test was shocking us, imagine he saw goldfishes and a halfnaked mermaid!?!?!?!! Our Dr. Psychov asked him to draw a picture for us. This pic complicates everything more. We are lost and since Murat got in contact with Antropsfy we thought maybe it is a mythological pic you LOVELY antropsfy blogheads can explain to us in the comments. Is it a birdman? Is it a spirit? A hero? A Antropsfy God? We don`t know. Help us out of this "Erkenntnis Kink".
@ Rudiger you were right there was a naked woman, but she was hidden in the bushes, how did you find out. The house is incorrect. You hava a light stress syndrome, drink beer with a lot of yeast in it.
@ fritz you needa a kinky massage it is not serious your stress level but you hava to watch it.
@Annette you couldn`t know that a woman was hiding in the bushes. You are pretty healthy and cana resist a lot of stress. Whata isa your secret?
@frau K (...) ein gefährlich blödes , blökendes Schaf, welches ihm die Wäscheklammern reicht.
we never looked at the pic from that point of view. Thanks for your perspective!
@anonym you need desperately help. We recomend you Mahmouds Dolphin Travel Watch boat trips. You geta discount we writa you a recipy.
@ Serena V you need serious anger management. You are nota stressed but possesed by a biblical anger.

April 22, 2007

My Heart Isa Overstreaming For You All!

Dear Readerz of The Uribistan Daily! I'm soo happy to be here and to worka with my great friend Murat Tshundyk. Yes, my heart isa overstreaming! My family comes from the Aribi-High Mountain Region in the South-West of Uribistan.
Especially it isa called the Van-Tû Area. We are about ten villages and ona little town. We belong all to the Uribi Christian CHurch. It is a minority section, not very known, of the Nestorian Church in ASia. In our Religion we also hava influences of shamanistic thoughts and practices, we hava also zoroastrian, early buddhist and some islamic elements. We believe in reincarnation. Yes, even there are Atlantic elementz in our religion! That makes that our religion is one of the oldezt, I thinka the oldezt in the whole world! Therefore also we are very interested in modern forms of thinking, whicha are also very close in our mindz, like Anthropsfy. I'm so glad for my friend MUrat that he dizcovered with the help of Kronstadt & Canaillo the worldz of Anthropsfy! Wenn my mother wasa pregnant with me, we left the Aribi Heights. It's very hard to coma in, and also to geta out. Even Murat was not there until now. The othre people of Uribistan don't know much about us. We also speak Aribi dialect. But with Murat I speak High Classical Uribi. As I said, pregnante with me, my mother and father left Uribistan. If a wife is pregnant, here in the Aribi Land, we say that the unborn soul is putting together pieces of earth and a forming his new body in the mothers belly. Is the forming done, we get born (Oh, if I thinka about my mother my heart isa overstreaming!). My father is great shaman. We voyaged through Europe, and then, suddenly, I was borne in the Middle of big city Amsterdam, in a kind of cosmic centre, it wasa called The Milkey Way (my father did there great ceremony from the Aribi-Secret-Book). After we we went to London, Paris, New York, and to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. THera we lived for 12 yearz. Here I must tell you, that my original name isa Mahat Hansi Gundeljew, but in America, they said 'Mat', sometimes also 'Mad'. After we went back to Europe, and we stood in Berlin. There I could make 3 yearz long Waldorf School! (my heart is overstreaming!). In WaldorfSchool I did euythmix and wet-in-wet paintinx. I also met my first real girl-friend, Amalia Diotima (from real anthro-parentz!). If I thinka about Amalia everything isa overstreaming! But then we wenta back to Uribistan. After beating up the communist hardlinerz, my father could initiate the FiRst Shaman UNiversity in the World, in the capital of Van-Tû Area, in Miritanhu (there isa also section in Hamasheyk Institute anda we try to maka section in Switzerland, Goetheanum). Backa in Uribistan I studied journaliszm and also arts. I did a practice in America and worked for The Herald TRibune. There people called me not any longer Gundeljew, but Gundo (they said: 'I'm making not a Gonzo-Journalism, but I'm making Gundo-journalism). Well, Murat and I, we will be ambassadors of Uribistan in the World Wide NetWorldz, we wille talk about Culture and will create Culture! Yesa, My Heart Is Overstreaming For All of You!

April 21, 2007

hamasheyk institute happy after hourz belly fun

Aloa ha! (iz olde greetinx from Uribistan!) deara ladiez anda also gentlemaniez, I am Mat Gundo. I am very happy witha you now here on The Uribistani Daily, you all cuty Anthropsfy Blockheadz! Thisa evening I meta afteR longTime my dear Beloved Friend Murat Tchundyk in Hamasheyk Institute. Hea now is there also for DreamStudiez. Togethera we will make The Uribistan Daily to a fine, interesting Journal - talking anda writing about Uribi Boyz anda ofcourse Girlz & also about ANthropsfy and the Daily Life alsoa in Tschermany and the West. (thiz is for the Uribi friendz). The Staff of Hamasheyk Institute invitede uz for a After Hour Party withe Belly Dance SuperWomanStar. Woman dancing now is called Ann Etta anda very sexxy. Ita wasa very hotte Night. I love you all. Soon I will sende you my Biographsy. Love Feelingz sendz You , Yours Mat Gundo!

April 20, 2007

Selfpraise has a nica odour The Wettbewerb

TNT reports- Our newspaper is now also in the countryside advertised.

April 18, 2007

Wanted: Mario M.

Dearest lovely Antropsfy blogheads,
before I go to the Institute in Hamasheyk. I will give hera ANNETTE and FRITZ FORGER-BLOGGS a special post. They started an interesting talk and our Hamasheyk Institute is very sour, cause they are flirting while doing the Kasakhi-Stress-Test. Our police officer in the meuntains found an old hippie today in one of the caves and tooka pic of hima. He no hava passport. He speaka broken italian-hodgepodge. Coulda this be the son of Muezilini and Maria M. ?
Please Annette and Fritz feel free to continue your conversation here. We the Antropsfy blogheads stand united behind your Kärma which is so obvious that a goat in Uribistan can feel it.
Yours frändly Murat Tchundyk

Profiles of the two:
Annette: " Vulkanologie ist übrigens eine Wissenschaft, die ich gerne mal für mich entdecken würde."
Fritz: " I am always very busy looking for hardworking children who work in my little uranium mine on the Suebian Alb."

April 17, 2007

Kasakhi-Stress-Test 2

Hamasheyk Institute of biological Cybernetics reports-
Welcome to our 2nd Kasakhi stress test dearest lovely Antropsfy Blogheads!
This picture has 3 Elements: 1 a male 2 an animal, 3 surroundings
Our new cell pixel bits have different angles and show different elements according to the state of your nervous system. Please writa us what you see specify it and we work out the given data. Every Kasakhi stress test will be worked on and we will give recommendations to help you.
Yours frändly the Staff of Hamasheyk Institue of biological Cybernetics

April 09, 2007


The National Ghost of Uribistan eternalised by Murat Tchundyk and The Kaskhibr.- Soundsytem. Please stand up for National Anthem of Uribistan.Hymn of Uribistan
tnt reports
P.S. posted on 10th of April. I hava founda today text of how one sho
uld listen to National Anthems. Vollendete Schöpfung: Nationalhymnen, Info 3 Juni, 2006. Ex-hero Green-Little-River: " Nationalhymnen sind musikalische Selbstbeschreibungen und Türen zur Herzkammer eines Landes.(...) Nationalhymnen zeigen, wohin ein grosses Gefühl gehen kann..."
Thänx Green-Little-River! It isa so nica!!

tnt, tc, the great anthropsfy thing, wish a happy easter and relaxing days...

April 06, 2007

cultural learninx (america): john safran meets the KKK

new learninx for people who like militant stuff and have elitist dreams

April 04, 2007

Apply for a lifetime GREENCARD in Uribistan

In the 13th century Uribistan appeared for the last time on the maps, then it mysteriously dissappeared, but we kept our folktradition, our music, our literature, our religion and our independency. We got swallowed by Mongols, Communists, Capiatalists and now by Antropsfy.
However Antropsfy provides us with FREEDOM. Thank you all for helping us to understanda Mr. Steinere. Now we offer you s.th. in return.
APPLY NOW for GREENCARD in order to work here. We desperatley need Eurythmix teachers, Mahmoud wants only female teachers, and mumbo jumbo Bio dynamix. We need heroes with broad shoulders, no "heldchen" lika Green-little-River. Maybe he cana open Sauna parlours with his hirarichacal structures.
Enjoy working and leisuring in URIBISTAN be a part of our community of Kasakhi Sistas and Brothers try to make out of URIBISTAN a blooming country. ( you call it Bluhende Landschaften) We also need kids for our Childrenfactories, no cheese faced, heavy weighted PC kids you generate in the West or we therapise them in our children factories. Work is the road to Freedom. The Djermans put that over their leisure camps some years ago isn`t that so?
Anyway if you are interested to participate in our boom country just writa your interest in the comments.
TNT- The Ministry of Immigration of Uribistan, Aleyv Tybal *click pic and find Uribistan

April 02, 2007

Murat goes Country

Totally stone-Murat
I spread my wings
And I`m flying
Through the windows of your dreams

But your windows
Were not open
So I crashed against your window screen.

I didn`t know
that your security arrengements
were so drastic, cruel and hard.

So I`m peeling myself
from your window,
trying to clear the mess I left behind.

And I`m so stoned
like a granite boulder
trying to roll down from his hill.

And one day, one day, one day
I^m rolling back
to your lovely window sill.

And then I hope
That your windows are open
so we can hold hands and we can fly away.
Music and words: Murat Tchundyk, instruments: The Kasakhibrotherssoundsystem live pure!

Play your guitar E/A/H/A and sing along with your friends and tell them about Murat
at the campfire. copyright c Murat Tchundyk Soon there will be NEW CD in your shop!!!!
SaltySalty Tears WSF tears