Oktober 03, 2011

Occupy Wall Street!

Magash! Since about 15 dayz, young anda olde Americanz are protesting anda trying to occupy Wall Street, one of the important centerz in worldwide inhuman capitaliztic moneyplaying.
Everyday people get arrested (around 700 on Saturday!). Interesting: in the US-media and also in djerman newzpaperz, thiz topic from the only-with-big-money-you-get-elected-pseudo-democracy USA, you will find nearly absolute nothing about thiz. The booty of Jennifer Lopez seems to be of more importance. Well, here we hava some newz from NY, anda ofcourse for those wanting only JLo's booty, as a kind of dessert, we serve it too.

and for our male readerz, after protesting, our dessert for today:


5 Kommentare:

barbara2 hat gesagt…

also gestern in den fernsehnachrichten kam ein bericht incl bilder und interview
und was gibt es für die female readers as dessert?

M(ar)at Gundo Tchundyk hat gesagt…

Dearezt Barbara! We will look, what we can do for you. Although, bringing something equaly for female readerz, it would maka or blog only for adultz...
And I think, this booty is too much! Is it real or is it fake? You can put a beer upon it.
I will minimize thiz pic, because the most important thing in thiz post, is the Occupy Wallstreet Movement! It growz anda growz, and more publicity is coming. I hope, at the end, they will occupy the Wall Street Stock Market, and after burn it down, to build a new Concert Hall or aplace for the new Uribi Embassy.
PS: the iBooty on next post is much better.

M(ar)at Gundo Tchundyk hat gesagt…

To all readerz: we changed layout of the commentfunction. It was not possible to comment anymore with the otha layout. Maybe it will change again. Overstreamingz!

barbara2 hat gesagt…

also warum weibliche hintern halbnackt oder bedeckt jugendfrei sein sollen, und alles andere nicht, weiss ich wirklich nicht

Anonym hat gesagt…

Aber Maratchen,
Weder Geld noch Sex sind doch das Wichtigste...
Auch wenn man ne Menge von beidem hat...