Oktober 15, 2010

I AM WHAT I AM (only for strong souls)

Dearest Fränds,
this isa answer to Uribistan Northern Lights

MJT: When light has mixed in the form of a human, or any kind of wild beast or shrub or bird or as in my case as Holy Man, and then comes into contact with aither or etherworld, thi is what they call " coming into existence." But when those elements are seperated again, they call that " ill-fated destiny." What they say isa, for them, quite right; and I myself conform to their convention.
This isa what cama to my mind about the Northern lights of Uribistan.
Yes Mannie i will make a road in the wilderness, green little rivers in the desert.

His Holine$$
Murat Joy Tchundyk

10 Kommentare:

Foersterliesel hat gesagt…

water colour background is wonderful!
teach&tell us more about etherics please!

nina b hat gesagt…

Was für eine schöne Perspektive für den Start in den Tag. Von Herzen, danke dafür. Hab' das grad im richtigen Moment gehört :-)

Joe Katz hat gesagt…

Dieser sperrige und doch zugleich füssigen Jungle beat ( der an den Junglebeat der Band funkmonks der frühen neunziger erinnert) ist ein Ohrenöffner. Dazu die raue Primitivität mit den leisen feinfühligen Zwischentönen von MJTS Stimme, die auf den erstaunten Zuhörer wie kleine Sternschnuppen hinunterregnen ( die Diashow wirklich gelungen). Die Frage wer bin ich wird nach dem einmaligen Hören dieses Liedes nie wieder gestellt. Damit hat sich MJT sich definitiv zum Funkfather der Guruszene ernannt.
Joe Katz, editor of the Uribi Magazine
"The howling Bone"

Herr Oberfoerster vom Bodensee hat gesagt…

Heil Euch Murat Joy Tchundyk!

bin bewegt,
dank Euch von Herzen für diese Offenbarung.


Murat Tchundyk hat gesagt…

Magash dear fränds female and male !
@ yes I lika watercolours and teaching the etheric is one of the mosta difficuilt thingy to teach, but maybe I willa try by doing a you tube clip!
@ I ama the man for the right moments! ;)
@ Joe, so you liked ita? Nica!:)
@ Oh my beloved Oberfoerster, when do we perform again?
And who the hell wants us to see again or for the first time?
I knew you woulda lika this kind of psychadelic slide show and music. Finally I found the right drummer!!!!!
Mucho love to you all and be strong in your daily life you know where you find strength here Daily in Uribistan!!!!
His Holine$$
Murat Joy Tchundyk

Foersterliesel hat gesagt…

beloved Holyne$$,
I admit I did not click the video at first. I enjoyed the watercolours. But now! Adorable!

M(ar)at Gundo Tchundyk hat gesagt…

Dearezt bastardbrotha Murat! As I hear anda sea, you maka new singsong-teachingz for our communitiez. Very nice done. I also looked at Northern Lightz and read conmmentz.
Now, myself, I am with canaillos in great wilderness in the south of america - having great encounterz with landscapez anda otha human anda non-human beingz. Best thingie in Enlightenmentz: having real encounta with otha human. I would say to everybody staying at home: look at your neighbour anda say something good to him, as well as you may thinka he is asshole.
PS: Muratbrotha, Josie will put some nice picturez of our journey on Terra C.
Oversteamingz to everybody, Marat Tchundyk Gundo.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Murat, don't only think about roads. Poeple do need Community, companions on the way, more than anything else. More than jokes and stuff

AOEA hat gesagt…


"His Holine$$" as "Sumseman"

Stupsi hat gesagt…

Pleas give us a Translation of this wonderful Poem!

Kannst Du mal den Text übersetzen bitte?

Oder kann man den Songtext runterladen irgendwo?