Oktober 26, 2011


Dieses Video wurde uns von einer unbekannten Leserin zugespielt, die damit an den Geburtstag von Herrn Kronstadt von Terra Canaillo erinnern möchte. Gerne werden wir diesen Wunsch erfüllen und schliessen uns an die Geburtstagswünsche an.
Die Redaktion der Uribistan Daily

Oktober 23, 2011

Sarkozy, Berlusconi and Merkel visiting dead Gaddafi

Magash! Life is horrible, politicz are horrible, so, the new comic of our friend Joseph Canaillo, former chief of terra Canaillo, is also horrible. He sent thiz abominable cartoon to The Daily. Here it is...
Magash! Leben schrecklisch sain, politiken auch, und so auch neues komix von gut freund Joseph Canaillo, früher Boss von Terra Canaillo. Er schickt das abonimabel Bild zum The Daily. Hier es sain:


Oktober 20, 2011

The end of Gaddafi

Magash! I don't want to watch those videoz with the former dictator, pleading for his life, moaning and getting killed.*) Like so many of his victimz have pleaded for their lifes, and hava been tortured and killed. I don't want to see these primitive revenge imagez. I've never watched the video of the hangin' of Saddam.
If I want to see a dictator moaning an getting killed, I go in the theatre, I go to a cinema, watching a Shakespeare-movie, made by Kenneth Branagh. That's real life, and it's much better for the harmony of the soul.
*) what about hiz friendz, they joked with him, drank tea with him under canvas, did some business with him, are they weaping now, unseen? What about you Nicolas, Sylvio, Gerhard and Joschka?

Oktober 18, 2011

'Hava Shake in Hamasheyk' wins Uribi Goldcactus Award 2011!

Magash! Dearezt readerz, it's almost unbelievable, but we are very happy: our song (ofcourse the real good definitive studioversion on single) 'Hava Shake in Hamasheyk' won the very prestigiouz Uribi Goldcactus Award (2011).
You can hear our song now in every corner, in every shop, car anda street in Hamasheyk, anda also between the goatz in the Highlandz. Some shepherdz singin' our song. It's in the air everywhere!
Dear readerz, justa dance on it anda popularize Uribi Culture in your country. You can put our song on Facebook etc., what you lika. Overstreamingz a lot!
   (clicka to maka bigga)

Oktober 14, 2011

Zwerg und Nase rocken?

Murat (HH) und Marat haben sich in den Uribi Highlands getroffen und machten zusammen Musik.... War es aber nötig, diese Musik auf youTube zu stellen, oder im Redaktionszimmer vorzuspielen? Dieses penetrante-möchtegerne-Santanariff, das billige Percussionprogramm im Hintergrund, dieses ewige Gezappele vom Zwerg und Bingo! der Hund, der mit seinem Atemgeruch jeden Einbrecher flachlegt, ganz zu schweigen von dem unsäglichen Nasensolo von HH, all dies zusammen genommen ist EINFACH EINE ZUMUTUNG.
Ich werde mir jetzt erstmal Nikotin zufügen, und Alfred Brendels Beethovensonate genießen, um diesen auditiven Müll aus meinen Gehörgängen heraus zu lassen. Aber schauen Sie selbst!(und versuchen Sie es auch mal Fullscreen, oder maximieren Sie auf youTube...)

Oktober 08, 2011

Make Love ! Not Terror!

Suicidebombers are defintely out!

Oktober 04, 2011

Do you iLike Apple?

Magash! Do you hava iPad, IPhone, iPod, iMac, believe in iGod anda redemption by iChrist? These are nice toyz to iPlay anda to iWork, anda to show you iMade it! Maybe you will maka an iTattoo on your booty? Anda, did you already had some iThoughts today? Here you can maka them (in Djerman language). iOverstreamingz!

Oktober 03, 2011

Occupy Wall Street!

Magash! Since about 15 dayz, young anda olde Americanz are protesting anda trying to occupy Wall Street, one of the important centerz in worldwide inhuman capitaliztic moneyplaying.
Everyday people get arrested (around 700 on Saturday!). Interesting: in the US-media and also in djerman newzpaperz, thiz topic from the only-with-big-money-you-get-elected-pseudo-democracy USA, you will find nearly absolute nothing about thiz. The booty of Jennifer Lopez seems to be of more importance. Well, here we hava some newz from NY, anda ofcourse for those wanting only JLo's booty, as a kind of dessert, we serve it too.

and for our male readerz, after protesting, our dessert for today:
