August 22, 2010

Dearezt Visitorz of The Daily, dearezt Touristz in Uribistan!

Yes, thiz is a very good and beautiful thingy for us, on the Daily, anda in The Free anda EverYoung republic of Uribistan: this great bunch of visitorz anda touristz, reading us, giving criticz anda commentz. We put some of them in our new header, now, at the end of our great Kamel Sutré Dayz anda Uribi Summerfestivalz 2010. It is interesting to see, that a lot of them also read lotz of otha blogistansites, lika for example Green Lida River's Missionz anda Barbypapa's Missionz Plus. Nothing in our worldz is Missionz Impossible, everything is possible. Our new readerz are sensible, seriouz, sexy, spiritual anda have sense of humour. Ofcourse: we will not forgeta our old readerz, being here since beginningz of The Daily! Big Magash to you all! In last weekz we saw and heard in our Uribistan Daily musix from Djermanistan, from US of A, we heard also mister Jeff Garfinkel saying nice wise wordz to our readerz, we heard His Holiness, my bastardbrotha Murat Joy Tchundyk, singing lovesongz for Lily Marlene, anda yestaday our Herrmann F. found a real anthro channel in the States, showing us how to save our money, making real good businesscardz. Well, I hope, thiz new Uribi year will bringa you lotz of good anda interesting topix on The Daily. Enjoy it, Magash anda Overstreamingz!
Yourz, Marat Tchundyk Gundo

Amerikanischer Anthro TV Kanal entdeckt

Die Finanzkrise erfordert Kreativität. Dieser kleiner Film kann einem ungefähr 30 Euro sparen lassen. Krisen erfordern Kreativität. Zum Beispiel Waldorfschulen lassen ihre Kinder alles SELBERMACHEN nach dem Motto VON NIX KOMMT NIX. Nun sieht man hier wie man zum Beispiel bei den Banken sparen kann. Jeder Anlageberater muss seine Visitenkärtchen SELBERMACHEN. Wenn das alle Bankinstitute machen würden, dann könnte man den Zinssatz für alle Sparer mindestens um ein Prozent erhöhen.
Mach mit bei der neuen Aktion: WERD AKTIV MIT SELBERMACHEN!

August 13, 2010

Jeff Garfinkel is being a being all the time

Urgent MESSAGE to Blogistan in the gravitationfield of ME, the bearer of I AM!
"We re being beings all the time!" Jeff Garfinkel co author of " We blieve too much!" and shooting star of Jane Fondas new YOGA MAGAZINE.
" There is nothing!" " It is just YOU" " Who are you to prove anything to?"

" Yes there it is!

Yeah this your being"

I would say young Garfinkel is definetly outmost enlightened!
We are very curious whther he is a Apocalypse Boycotter or 2012 Fan.
Theofilus keep on blogging!
His Holine$$
Murat Joy Tchundyk

August 07, 2010

Lilli Marlene Reloaded at Hamasheyk Festival

Dearest fränd
I tried to contribute to the Hamasheyk Folk Festival a song everyone knows. Maybe it is the song ofa the last century. It isa song of having ones beloved in the Diaspora and one canna feel hima or hera on the skin buta he isa nota there only thousand of miles away. Ifa you interpret sucha song you only canna loose you go shipwrecked becausa you canta fulfilla expectations. So I grandly failed but witha straight Uribi heart. Magash
His Holine$$
Murat Joy Tchundyk

August 06, 2010

Etwas Nordamerikanische Volksmusik

Die Cumberland Loft Sessions sind in Brooklyn, NY in Jonah Smith`s Appartement aufgenommen vor einer kleinen Zuschauerzahl. Shenendoah ein bekanntes amerikanisches Volkslied sollte nicht das letzte Lied sein, das Sie sich anhören sollten liebe Leserinnen und Leser. Stöbern Sie weiter bei den Cumberland Loft Sessions!
herrrmann Finkelsteen